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A Very Pleasant, Mildly Dissociated Opioid
Ketobemidone, Oxycodone & Memantine
Citation:   somewhat dependent. "A Very Pleasant, Mildly Dissociated Opioid: An Experience with Ketobemidone, Oxycodone & Memantine (exp114389)". May 23, 2020.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral Pharms - Memantine  
  T+ 1:00 5 mg oral Pharms - Ketobemidone  
  T+ 1:53 5 mg insufflated Pharms - Ketobemidone (ground / crushed)
  T+ 2:05 5 mg insufflated Pharms - Ketobemidone (ground / crushed)
  T+ 2:13 15 mg oral Pharms - Ketobemidone  
  T+ 3:57 1 line insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  T+ 5:06 20 mg oral Pharms - Ketobemidone  
  T+ 6:13 300 ug sublingual Hyoscyamine  
Skip through to "13:53" (find in page) for actual report minus background. I took 100mg in total but 5 - 15 mg oral (1-2.5mg IV) is a reasonable dose with decent euphoria and painkilling effects.

There are a few approaches to what to say when asked “What was it like to try ‘The most addictive substance known to man’?”

One could…

A. Say it was meh to dissuade future use
B. Say it was incredible and hype it up, both to maintain the myth for the ultra niche group that would try it and to ensure anyone who comes across it realised its value
C. Say it was damn good but not magically better than human experience or other good drugs, to let people appreciate it with you in the experience while downplaying the jealousy the 99.1% of readers will momentarily feel until moving on with their lives, as they will never see or experience it themselves

(0.9% of those readers will make it their life’s mission to try said damn good drug that they hear is amazing, hoping one day to do a better job than the previous guy at sharing with the world…. And here I am).

As a basic intro I was somewhat dependent on oxy at the time of taking this
I was somewhat dependent on oxy at the time of taking this
, and while Ketogan (ketobemidone) is indeed a wondrous substance, it cannot somehow magically eliminate withdrawal *and* produce a major high in a relatively low dose. That is why the main limitation to this report, as you might guess I had mild oxy withdrawal from trying to “fast” all opiates/opioids in an effort to appreciate the true flavour of this champagne - pure and unadulterated with any beer (yes oxycodone, my formerly second favourite opioid [now third], is beer relative to this champagne high).

Okay actually that’s not a perfect analogy, so in plain terms, my favourite opioid agonists in order of potency/euphoria are codeine - tilidin - oxycodone - hydromorphone (Diluadid) - Diaphin (pure pharma grade diamorphine) - oxymorphone (Opana)

Now yes, I do love Opana more than pharma grade heroin or Diluadid, even though it is more subtle and warm than the deep sedating relaxed feeling of the more “morphine-like” hydromorphone/diamorphine. And oxycodone is the most functional and useful opioid alongside maybe tramadol/tilidin/tapentadol (which are all weaker).

Oxy for me in lower doses can be almost stimulating but in a relaxed opioid way, and if you have extremely good self discipline can be used orally or intra-nasally without *too* much trouble (below 120mg/day). Anyway I had slight trouble binging on and off with oxy to bring my tolerance up to 160mg+/day, but could comfortably take such a dose and function at work, although 1 year later I realised at least 20% impairment compared to my theoretical maximum performance, which I believe was probably worth it compared to the general stress/anxiety relief, which I am more productive when I don’t have to deal with.

So here’s the raw trip report I wrote on the day (minus the accidental keypresses during the half asleep nod phase towards the end):

At 13:53 on an empty stomach, I take one pill of “Ketogan Novum 5mg” by Pfizer. A 10mg memantine was taken an hour ago to add potency and prevent buildup of tolerance (as memantine and other NMDA antagonists do for opioids and many other drugs; it has no psychotropic effect here except perhaps anti-depressant, but won’t interfere with my high).

At 14:24 should be first sign of effects, but I feel almost nothing, except slightly heavy or drowsy, and it feels slightly more NMDA antagonist than opioid likely because of my pre-existing tolerance making opioid effects less effective, but I wouldn’t say I have much NMDA tolerance except occasional DXM.

At 14:45 it should have been in near full swing. Clearly 5mg as I suspected isn’t enough to have much of an effect. Since I have only 50mg total, I’d hoped to have perhaps two experiences, but there is also a benefit in the “first-time-taking-a-drug-magic” which I’d like to experience in full for what is likely the most euphoric pill in Scandinavia.

So I snort another 5mg, the powder is a very usable consistency, and despite the fact that the pill is maybe 2x the size of an 80mg oxycontin OC80, the powder is easy to snort in one go. It doesn’t feel like much, and has a very subtle smell/taste that could only be described as clinical, but not unpleasant. I’d be happy to snort as much as 15mg with ease, I think partly because the size of the granules avoids the main pitfall of snorting a fine powder - inhalation, and equally are small enough to I believe be absorbed well.

At 13:50 I feel something again, but still mild and not so distinguishable from placebo. I think in 10 minutes I’ll test if these can be felt intranasally and take the rest of 25mg orally, giving me one more chance to try them.

Since waiting for something to kick in has lost its edge for me, I settle into an episode of family guy, waiting for the effect to jolt me out of the video immersion, as a sign that the keto is working fully.

13:58 snort the second intranasal pill (third pill in total) without incident

15:13 Still mild opioid effect similar to after the oral, but no appreciable increase so possible that snorting doesn’t do much.

15:21 Last ditch to feel something real with 15mg oral, still on an empty stomach. Usually for me onset is quick, with even weak pills like codeine/DHC taking as little as 10m to start noticeable effects and start being high within 20m, however drugs like tramadol or methadone can take upwards of an hour, which has long passed.

16:50 I hadn’t eaten all day so I have a late lunch and I don’t feel cold anymore, also a small for me line of oxy helped activate things. I’m also starting to nod a little [for me perhaps 30mg is a smallish line of oxy, which usually would produce minimal/very subtle mood effects and almost no body warmth or nod, so I am confident of the nod being 90% due to the keto, also not having oxy for almost 24hrs when I typically dose at least daily may have produced very mild withdrawal which could’ve impaired the high, so I hope most of this report can be attributed to the effects of keto but I can’t rule out some special synergy between the two and everyone’s case is different so I wanted to include it for completion’s sake].

17:32 just woke up from some nice closed eye dream visuals, very lifelike although not that visually vivid, more like dreaming although at points I felt quite conscious and in control [of the narrative]. This is a similar feel to other opiate and opioid nods, although I felt like the director for the first 10 minutes or so, then after that. I may have actually been closer to sleep, and it was very relaxing. After waking up and walking around the house I am once again fully awake and on the comedown now I believe. I can appreciate the subtle euphoria and relaxation even better than when it was kicking in.

In a similar way to Opana (oxymorphone), the high is for the opioid connoisseur - at times I can be going about my day and just feel positive, without anxieties, but without some crazy rush like MDMA, and then I close my eyes and go deeper into the opioid dream land, and I realise that there is no experience in life quite like that. Arguably feeling in love is better, and over time opioids can become downright unpleasant as the euphoria wanes and only the side effects remain (addiction and withdrawal being quite brutal). But especially when I only have one or two doses (of 5 pills each) like I have, it can be a wonderful experience.

Being anxious and neurotic like I am, it’s quite the miracle to be writing a trip report and realise I have none [anxiety]. In fact I was quite anxious about an upcoming product proposal I have to write, and have been putting off because it’s a crucial part of my career and a daunting task. SO every day I put it off I have this low level dread that it’s gonna suck and I will basically end up out on the street because of my ineptitude [exaggerated but it can indeed be overwhelming to think about]. Just before I nodded however, and after the slightly sluggish over drowsiness had worn off, giving way to a more sepia tone calmness, I realised that the dread was completely gone, and I can feel my body becoming heavier and lighter all at the same time [in a very pleasant way - the weight of the world has lifted, while the pleasant relaxation replaces it].

What I’ve written is both for opioids in general and reflecting on this experience, but actually I can’t recommend ketogan to myself due to my pre-exisiting tolerance requiring a minimum of 4 pills to have the experience, and also the fact that I know it is supposedly one of the most addictive substances known to man (A study that administered the optimally high dose of IV ketogan, 10 morphine addicts described it as better or similar to diamorphine/hydromorphone IV, so basically better than heroin for some). I don’t believe that I got close to that dose, but I did see its potential, and I really do wish I could’ve experienced a higher dose just once, so I could give it the recognition it deserves, and…

Ah screw it, at this dose it’s my last chance to experience a “full” high. [Even as I typed that and was literally closing my eyes nodding off, and while I was very happy and content here, I’ll interject how it was already getting more-ish and addictive, however it wouldn’t have impeded the high if I didn’t have any more and was content with where I was, I also just wanted to experience the maximum high at once rather than have two mediocre highs, which in retrospect I’m not sure which if two weaker highs is better, since this is quite literally once in a lifetime - use of this drug has been decreasing for years/decades, and as of 2010-2020, it’s fairly rare even in the two or three countries that still prescribe it Scandinavian, mostly Sweden.]

17:51 I take 20mg more to try to enhance the high while I can and experience what made those 1950s junkies get higher than anyone ever has in a scientific study (The Addiction Liability of Some Derivatives of Meperidine, Harris Isbell, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics October 1949, 97 (2) 182-190)

18:21 It starts being sedating again, and that warm in the heart feeling starts up again, it sort of reminds me of the body feel of hydrocodone, which is specifically warm and nice but not overwhelming like a rush from snorted opioids usually is. I also feel a bit... dissociated.

[At this point I typed about a line of gibberish on my keyboard showing the beginnings of a true nod feeling, the half-awake, half-dreaming sort of twilight sleep I get when my body is too high to be asleep but too sedated to be fully alert. It is in my experience, the most powerful and indeed risky part of the high, if I “nod hard”, this can quickly escalate to respiratory depression, however in this case, with my tolerance where it is and oral use, the risk is still very low, although would be much higher with IV/IM/parenteral use]

19:13 the effect is once again around peak, and closing my eyes it feels much stronger and the closed eye visuals and emotion are clear in their story *more keyboard presses as I nod off literally mid sentence :)*

I also feel a slight tingle in my legs and torso, my arms feel light sometimes but then the whole body is heavy if I lean into the sedation. Perhaps I’m contrasting too much with my goto oxy, which is one of the less sedating opioids (along with tramadol), but it’s quite amazing as a sedative sleep drug with a warm tingly twist that doesn’t overwhelm the user.

20:45 nodding on and off for 2+ hours, really quite a different feeling to any other opioid but in a very subtle way, and still retains the nod and classically opioid sedation, different from benzos, perhaps slightly closer to very good weed in some way, but especially the relaxed muscle pain relief that makes my body floppy and pleasantly numbed so I can be comfortable in any position, and that takes away physical and mental aches.

If I was in the hospital dyeing, I understand why they would bring out the IV ketobemidone for me instead of vanilla morphine, it would indeed be indicated especially if I were feeling particularly ‘dead’ (as in given up close to death, feeling lifeless/lethargic) it would breathe some life and positivity into me. Of course not in the same way as amphetamine or good coffee, but in a medically sanctioned, slightly less “anesthetising medical high” sort of way, that is not to say it would be less painkilling than morphine, but rather it would be more painkilling and also better at taking away suffering, without basically simply putting me to sleep, the suffering goes away even before the conciousness does, and the uplift in mood seems to be more bright and positive compared to morphine which does indeed take away my worries but doesn’t always make me more “happy-energetic” or positive especially in my external presentation.

In comparison with oxy - I note how oxy does still have the overall antidepressant "up" edge being more stimulating and showing in studies greater delta opioid activity (more associated with alleviating anxiety/depression with much less addictiveness; although the mu opioid receptor activity for oxycodone makes it plenty addictive), but doesn’t hold a candle to the soporific escape aboard the ketogan train/plane. Which when awake is very lucid and I would even consider it safe to work on low doses once I know what to expect (probably wouldn't drive though). Most notably compared to my alma mater oxy I find that there is no irritability, and in social situations I am even more comfortable.

00:58 still high, great synergy with oxy enhancing the high in a way that doesn’t usually work out when mixing opioids, although the effects were added together and complement each other, so does the nausea and so hyoscine sublingual 300ug fixes that.
The high would’ve mostly worn off but it seems the oxy re-activated the keto somewhat.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114389
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 23, 2020Views: 1,015
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Pharms - Ketobemidone (406) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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