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Not Completely Harmless
Adrafinil & Cannabis
Citation:   Marcelus. "Not Completely Harmless: An Experience with Adrafinil & Cannabis (exp114420)". May 22, 2020.

300 - 600 mg oral Adrafinil
    vaporized Cannabis
I would like to begin by saying that the generally positive experience reports for Adrafinil paint a fairly accurate portrait of the substance. My own positive experiences significantly outnumbered the negative ones, but the negative ones were of much greater intensity
My own positive experiences significantly outnumbered the negative ones, but the negative ones were of much greater intensity
and, I believe, had a more profound and lasting impact.

Over roughly a month I used Adrafinil capsules ordered from a credible online distributor, taking them anywhere from 3-6 days a week and 1-2 times a day. Most of the time they had an effect exactly like what is described in the other experience reports, a sharpening of focus without accompanying euphoria. The only other drug I was using around this time was cannabis, and I typically tried to avoid using them simultaneously. When I did, out of curiosity, I found that the weed almost entirely masked the effects of Adrafinil, without any substantial change to its own effects.

I never took more than 300mg of Adrafinil at a time except on one occasion, which provided my first negative experience. Taking 600mg of Adrafinil at once produced a obsessive, blistering rage that was impossible to defuse or suppress. All benefits towards focus were thrown out the window at this dose, since every stimulus triggered an overwhelming cascade of angry thoughts and associations that repeated themselves incessantly. This unpleasant state of mind persisted for well over an hour. I should say that this was nothing like the "power rush" sometimes caused by true stimulants. Instead it was an internal, cerebral anger, mostly directed at abstract or past things, that could find no practical outlet.

The second negative experience was far worse. This time it resulted from a combination of Adrafinil and vaporized marijuana of a kind I had never tried before (I believe it was Northern Lights). About thirty minutes after ingestion I was struck with an agonizing seizure-like headache that immediately forced me to abandon whatever I was doing and lie down. The headache, which resembled a continuous electric current passing over the top-left of my cranium, continued for nearly an hour until I knocked myself out with Valium. When I closed my eyes I saw crisp, intense, polychromatic visuals like digitized landscapes and racing tunnels of light, the visuals themselves were extremely interesting, and I normally would have welcomed them, but in that situation focusing on them exacerbated the physical discomfort. Judging from the fact that Adrafinil is not hallucinogenic itself. This experience was probably unique to my specific circumstances and physiology. But there is a small possibility it could be repeated in others. Be cautious in case you are thinking of combining this drug with something else, or taking a particularly high dose.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114420
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 22, 2020Views: 2,387
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