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Wormhole to Heaven
Citation:   Colby M.. "Wormhole to Heaven: An Experience with DXM (exp114489)". Sep 22, 2023.

600 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
I had experimented with “robotripping” a couple of times, and really wanted a more intense trip. I was at a rough point in my life, and experimenting was an escape for me. I bought two 20ct bottles of extended release robitussin.

Later that night in my basement, I asked God/ the universe, “please let this make me a better person.” I don’t remember why I said that, but I knew I needed to for some reason. After pouring both bottles out on my mattress, I started eating them one at a time. Eventually, I started swallowing 3 or 4 at a time to speed up the process. After finally finishing all 40 pills, I sat and waited.

I listened to music for a bit, then played some computer games. My body movements felt heavy and slow. I enjoyed that feeling for an hour or so, and then it really started to kick in. I lay down on my bed, and felt my heart slow down. I closed my eyes, and the world dropped away. I floated upwards and stared down at my body for a moment, then was rocketed through space-time. I saw the surfaces of many unknown planets, or perhaps other dimensions rushing past. The rushing stopped when I was in a grassy field with a pink tinged sky. I was next to a still pond of clear water. I felt so incredibly loved at that moment.

Two figures descended from the sky, and each took one of my arms. They took me upward through the sky to a golden city on the clouds. There were many spheres with their own large grassy spaces, and the figures took me into one of them.
Two figures descended from the sky, and each took one of my arms. They took me upward through the sky to a golden city on the clouds. There were many spheres with their own large grassy spaces, and the figures took me into one of them.
In that sphere was my brother's best friend who had died three years earlier. There was also a woman there with him, and they were both naked and glowing. It was a beautiful sight. He looked at me and said, “you can’t stay long, can you?” I knew I couldn’t so I said “no”.

After this, the spheres and cloudy city faded away, and I found myself in a pink tinged field. In the field there was a handsome man in a suit and tie. He told me to alternate doing mushrooms and LSD, once every three months. This scene lasted for what seemed like a longish time. Next everything faded to black, and there was no longer an “I” to observe anything.

I saw two pyramids, one upside down, in the shape of a diamond. Leading up to the top were the names of all the different world religions including atheism. At the top was just the word “Christ” leading downward were other paths, one of which was “hedonism”. Then the words faded, the top pyramid turned bright blue, and the upside down pyramid turned black. The pyramids then separated, and there was a chain holding them together. Suddenly, something slashed the chain and the black pyramid fell away as the bright blue one rose upward.

I then woke up face down on the floor, not at all where I fell asleep. I felt so odd. Once the sun came up, I went up to my room. I sat outside my window on the roof, and watched the sunrise. I closed my eyes and had a vivid vision of blood dripping down from a cross, and pooling into a river. I felt myself lying in that river, and the feeling of pure love washed over me broke my heart. I cried for the first time in years.

At this point, my life gets a bit hazy. My Mom realized how much I'd taken when she saw the bottles in the trash. She took me to the ER. I had another out of body experience in the hospital, and I vividly remember the sensation of my eyes rolling back as I traveled out of this reality again. I found my way back to my body, and woke up to the doctor being very angry at me. He told me there was no reason that I should still be alive. Maybe I did die for a few moments?

My mom took me home once I stabilized, but the psychosis remained. I was convinced I was possessed by an angel. Long story short, I wound up at the ER again. They gave me a massive dose of Ativan, and took me to a psychiatric hospital via ambulance. It took a week and a half of being medicated with antipsychotics for the psychosis to end. I have had long lasting negative effects, and will definitely not attempt this again.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 114489
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 22, 2023Views: 18
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