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Drunk Without Alcohol
Phenibut & Caffeine
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "Drunk Without Alcohol: An Experience with Phenibut & Caffeine (exp114525)". Jul 1, 2020.

  oral Caffeine (liquid)
  500 mg oral Smarts - Phenibut  
My experiences with Phenibut
Experience year: 2018, 23YO male

I will preface this report by saying that Phenibut is a very weird drug regarding its effects. I've heard it compared as the "Russian Xanax" and obtaining them was simple enough through my old boss, who owns a smoke shop. Information about these is kind of obscure. I began using these to help with anxiety: And holy smokes, did they work for me!

Where to begin?

I took (1) 500MG pill about 20 minutes after filling my Nalgene mug with Diet Coke at McDonald's (32 oz mug). I read that taking caffeine before phenibut can help prevent drowsiness. I can't vouch for that fact as I can't tell if this actually did anything of sustenance.

I arrived shortly after at a hot tub I used to frequent, and began sitting in the jacuzzi. Combined with the effects of the phenibut, I felt amazing! The temp of the aforementioned jacuzzi was roughly 104 fahrenheit. Pre dose of phenibut, I had a bad migraine and some back/neck pain. This began to subside minutes after the phenibut dose, and I think the jacuzzi may have been icing on the cake! Simply put, it was like being on cloud 9 on top of the world.

As to my mood, it felt amazing. I can describe this experience with Phenibut as the following: To me, it was like drinking a RedBull, spiking it with Xanax, with sprinkles of beta blockers and viagra. I say the latter two as I had a noticeable decrease in my heart rate and according to my blood pressure cuff, my readings were a little lower that night than usual. I also felt slightly promiscuous. I slept like a kitten that night

Experience #2 on Phenibut

A few short months later, I found myself in a real shitty mood, and decided to hit up a different hot tub, taking a phenibut and drinking my usual Diet Coke some time prior. This was my second, and last time in the recent past on Phenibut. I will also add that I took the same dose.

The experience went about the same as last, with one added twist. At some point, a young Hispanic family came in and sat around me. I remember being EXTREMELY talkative, talking nonstop for about an hour. Looking back, I must have seemed hammered by these poor folk. I will also add that I spoke mostly Spanish to first language is German, second is English and third is Spanish, so this is unusual for me. I became very hyper through the night, a polar opposite of the down, irritable individual I was earlier that night.

Since that night, I was prescribed Amitriptyline (separate report on that) and Klonopin to which I stopped the phenibut use.

I am not scared to use Phenibut again, though I will try to prepare better by not talking some poor guy's ears off in Spanish for over an hour, dosing less and staying inside until I'm confident that I will not act like a total Burro, and Borracho again.

All in all, a very interesting drug that except for that one effect, had worked wonders for me and then some!

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 114525
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 1, 2020Views: 1,817
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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