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A Fun Time for Me but a Nightmare for My Gf
4-HO-MiPT & Cannabis
Citation:   jplooms424. "A Fun Time for Me but a Nightmare for My Gf: An Experience with 4-HO-MiPT & Cannabis (exp114565)". Jul 15, 2020.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 4-HO-MiPT (capsule)
  T+ 4:00 20 smoked Cannabis  
5:00pm - my girlfriend and I both take a capsule contain 20mg each of 4-HO-MiPT (I will refer to is miprocin from now on) I was not necesarily in the best of headspaces prior to the trip. Worrying about the virus outside and other personal things that I wont go into. But I did my best to stay positive for the trip.

5:30pm - I start feeling the effects kicking in. This substance seems to have an extreme emphasis on visual morphing and objects changing shape.
This substance seems to have an extreme emphasis on visual morphing and objects changing shape.

6:00pm - we are both starting to feel some nausea. For me it passes after some time but for my girlfriend she is in a lot of stomach pain. She threw up several times. Now is when I start noticing much more vivid and bright colors with patterning beginning on the walls my carpet and just about every surface I looked at. At this point I'm very clearheaded. Which in a way I did not like. I feel it took away from the experience and lacked the introspection of other substances. But I moved on from that thought. I started to notice the body high more and more as it creeps up on me. Its very pleasurable and it feels nice. Almost amphetamine like if the amphetamine was sedating as all hell. I mean it. This stuff is super sedating.

6:45pm - I am tripping fairly hardish. I would say I got up to a +3. I am enjoying the trip at this point but my girlfriend is having a much harder time. She has PTSD from things that happened during her childhood. We have tripped many times together and it was an issue one other time in the past. It did not get as bad this time but here's what she said she saw as she was laying with her eyes closed. "All I saw were people stabbing me in my sleep". This must've kept repeating during the first half of the trip because she was in that state for a few hours. During that time I'm enjoying my pretty visuals but I am clear-headed enough to be comforting for her. I never left her side during the trip. I was a trip sitter in a way but I was also tripping so maybe not the best sitter in the world at the time.

8:30pm - At this point the peak is over and were slowly coming down. My girlfriend apologized at this time and I of course told her it wasnt her fault and that next time we will be much more careful. We both hugged and said a few cute words to each other. She then said she wanted to smoke. I asked her if she thought that was a good idea and she assured me she'd be fine.

9:00pm- we packed the bowl on the bong with roughly a gram and a half of some really good weed. We smoked and then I started tripping again. She claimed she was fine but I was feeling a bit dizzy. We smoked a pretty decent amount and it definitely enhanced the visuals. I actually think (besides the dizziness) that the weed made the trip way better. After smoking my memory is a bit foggy but I know the trip got a lot more fun and way better for both of us after smoking. So maybe the cannabis complements the clearer headspace of this substance. For me at least. I wouldnt recommend others with PTSD, such as my gf, smoke while tripping at all. In fact I would say dont trip at all unless its in a medical setting.

11:00pm - as I said my memory is very fuzzy after 9 or so. Same with my girlfriend. But I just remember having a good time watching tv and playing games together. We were both able to sleep extremely easily and quickly.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114565
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 15, 2020Views: 896
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4-HO-MiPT (342) : Combinations (3), Second Hand Report (42), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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