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A Fun but Very Shallow Substance
by dvrk
Citation:   dvrk. "A Fun but Very Shallow Substance: An Experience with 3-HO-PCE (exp114596)". Jul 21, 2020.

T+ 0:00
4 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
  T+ 6:30 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 6:30 13 mg oral 3-HO-PCE (liquid)
  T+ 8:55 4 mg oral 3-HO-PCE (liquid)
  T+ 9:15 1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Note: This was the highest dose of the substance I've done up until this point. Last experience was 4 days previous that was fun but uneventful. Previous to that the last dose was 3 months prior, so any tolerance issues should've been minimal.

Preflight notes: Decided against mushrooms, the fear is strong as of late it seems. 4 beers total today, aprox 4gs of kratom taken around 6pm. Last beer is being drank as I write this (12:38am)

12:37am: Poured aprox. 13mg (1.31gs of solution) into a glass of water as I did last time, that was slowly drank over the course of an hour. Will attempt to take notes this time through, maybe try some music making? Who knows. No marijuana this time around. Started dose by 2 big gulps, taking roughly a quarter of the glass. Hopefully I achieved proper dilution!

1:04: First alerts, everything seems brighter. General weirdness, mostly in the body feel. Head is a bit cloudy, feels larger than usual. Definitely can tell something is 'up' but is otherwise unnoticeable. Half of dose remains in glass, sipping slowly.

1:45 Definitely intoxicated, can feel the 'body high' coming on but not particularly strong. Almost entire dose has been consumed, will see where this leads eh? Body high consists of a warm feeling throughout the body not dissimilar to opiates but without the itchiness. Mind state is more disinhibited but more or less sober. Minor dissociation? Not particularly noticeable. Will update.

2:36: Intoxicated but relatively lightly, at least mentally. Very clear headed, very little going on upstairs but definitely physically intoxicated. Coordination is significantly reduced, almost similar to a couple of shots worth of alcohol. General 'aloof' feeling, good mood but not particularly euphoric in any way. Surprisingly functional dissociative, definitely has potential for therapeutic use (possibly for pain?) but not a whole lot in the way of recreation unfortunately. Debating dosing 3 - 5mg sublingually to boost effects some. Visually nothing going on, although everything appears to be more 'flat'. Darker areas appear darker than normal, some visual static outlining edges when looking at dim areas. Otherwise mostly sober. Kinda stoney, similar body high to marijuana but without the mental or visual effects. Odd!

2:55 Decided to dose ~4mg. Doing glass of water method again, I guess it's kinda similar to extended release. Definitely feel stimulated, lots of mental energy but not a whole lot to focus it on.
Definitely feel stimulated, lots of mental energy but not a whole lot to focus it on.
Heart rate feels increased but phone records it at 52bpm, which is the low end of average for me. Is this the start of hypomania? Definitely feel the need to dose more despite a lack of obvious effect. Looking around objects seem to lose some of their meaning. Needed to look at phone for a few seconds longer than usual to process the icons and find my heart rate app. At this point I am approximately 2.5hrs into the experience, feels like a pretty steady plateau. Limbs feel weightless in a classic dissociative way.

Note: This drug is odd in that it feels like it has all the trappings of a dissociative without actually being a dissociative? The body high is unnoticeable for the most part, and thoughts don't seem to be particularly affected. However there is the weightless limbs as mentioned previous, a decrease in visual acuity, general 'over doing' of certain movements (ex: if I need to move my head/body in a certain direction to look for something I tend to exaggerate the movement), and a general numbness. Strange!

3:07: Have been staring at this text file since the last entry ~12 minutes ago! More likely to get lost in thoughts, I guess it's easier to retreat into my head so to speak. Some anxiety presents itself currently, at this point I am definitely intoxicated. It's just so subtle its hard to quantify!

3:15: Forgot to mention but also have been getting some strange spasms in the gooche area. Not unpleasant, just kinda strange. Not entirely sure if related to the 3hopce. Thoughts come and go, at the moment I am apparently easily distracted. Got distracted away from the anxiety that was present a couple minutes ago, smoking a cigarette currently. Nicotine seems to counter act the dissociative aspects some what, brings more lucidity into the experience.

POST FLIGHT NOTES: Seemingly more lucid the next day, felt I could more easily be myself. Not much new to report. After last log I steadily came down and was more or less sober by 6am, fell asleep around 1-2 hours later. Woke up tired but aside from that mostly normal, although was seemingly more easily agitated. Whether or not that was due to sleep deprivation or the circumstance, I'm not sure.

Come down on this chem is a bit harsh but not in an unpleasant way. Feels like the body load of an alcohol hang over, generally feeling tired and physically worn out, but without any of the pain or spins associated with the morning after the bar. Sleep was easy when attempted, although I tend to stay up far later than usual when doing this substance. The only hangover was feeling dissociated the first hour or so after waking up.

No visuals were noted, even when comboed with marijuana on previous experience. Generally no weird trance effects or psychedelia with eyes closed, which is unique to this substance. Effects on thoughts were minimal, with the only difference noted was an increase in abstract thinking and being easily distracted. Even when compared to a similarly mellow dissociative like DCK, this substance is lackluster. I would consider this a 'general intoxicant' more so than a proper dissociative, at least at lower doses like this one. No mania noted.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114596
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jul 21, 2020Views: 2,144
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3-HO-PCE (833) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Alone (16)

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