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Underground With Old Lost Friends (Very Similar)
Changa & Cannabis - High CBD
by Fran
Citation:   Fran. "Underground With Old Lost Friends (Very Similar): An Experience with Changa & Cannabis - High CBD (exp114688)". Sep 4, 2020.

  smoked Changa
    smoked Cannabis - High CBD
    smoked Mullein
A year ago I smoked a joint of a changa blend I made consisting of 100mg DMT, 100mg fb harmalas (Syrian Rue) enhanced on mullein (cause its fluffy and absorbs the DMT well) with CBD weed sprinkled over it. I had smoked a joint earlier. Its possible I may have had a cup of B Caapi tea but on this ocassion its unclear to me.

I was a little more than halfway through the joint laying down on a sofa outside when it hit me. It felt so right. I laid the joint on the ashtray and blasted off.

It was so amazing, the realization that the present moment is existence and that existence is all there is. Its like we are riding the wave of Time and Matter, of Being, and hanging on to balance. But when I fall off the wave I'm like "Oh, that was just a wave I caught a long time ago, of course it wasnt permanent, of course it wasnt an Ultimate Reality. I have always been a wanderer of the Unknown, I have always been part of existence (Samsara perhaps?)"

Beautiful patterns, space hole, absorbed by the light at the end of the tunnel. Land hard on my feet.

I see this clock like structure of a being, I think its purple--I dont know, its totally AMAZING, THE MOST PERFECTLY ABSTRACT COMPLEX THING I'VE EVER SEEN. And it breaks out, it comes to life! Its like it spits out confetti and comes into motion, and then everything comes alive. They're dancing--these clock like spirits.

I'm under a dome like structure. I'm listening to Andy Gibb's I Just Want To Be Your Everything on my headphones. The song has become 10x more beautiful cause its been blended into the dome like structure.

The music is powering the trip.

The trip goes at its beat.

First thing I notice is there are thousands of spirits there; of loving autonomus beings.

The whole dome cheered me. We danced and they showed me beautiful object or magic one after the other.


After dancing the niceties continue. THOUSANDS OF THESE SPIRITS go all the way to the back of the dome and line up one by one to greet me. A man in black suit shakes my hand. Looks me in the eyes. They know me. They give me gifts and they show love.

Old lost friends we are.

You have to understand, all this is happening as if I were fast fowarding a tape at 50x. So thousands of these spirits greeted me in just 30 seconds say. Its like we knew we had to hurry. They had to show me everything fast.

The feeling under this dome was out of this world. The vision was so immersive, totally awe inducing. Very clear. I was taken to a nursery. Everything baby blue and baby colors. there was like this little oven where they made babies. Loving blue nurses walked around exuding warmth, tenderness, and care.

I was with little baby spirits like me.

I was floated in the sky by my spirit guide (a female from all my trips. momma earth?) and shown the suburbs. it was all cartoon like and beautiful. LIKE FROM THE 50's. With kids playing, doors open, swimming pools. And I went through a house and it felt like home. And I was showed a little toaster oven, and a little carton of milk, and everything was so incredible!!!

I was left exiting the trip for 10minutes, visions slowly reducing to 0, meditating, bathing in the lovingnews. smooth exit.

and that afterglow.

Very very similar to Terrence Mckennas Machine Elve trip.

Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 114688
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Sep 4, 2020Views: 1,118
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Cannabis (1), Changa (816) : Unknown Context (20), Entities / Beings (37), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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