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Feeling Good for the Entire Day
Hydrocodone & Cannabis
Citation:   VicodinSprings. "Feeling Good for the Entire Day: An Experience with Hydrocodone & Cannabis (exp114721)". Erowid.org. Aug 22, 2023. erowid.org/exp/114721

T+ 0:00
25 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:45 15 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30 a bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I'm definitely not an inexperienced opioid user, I've taken everything from codeine to heroin. However, I haven't had any opiates in a bit over six months, my last being heroin/fentanyl, so my tolerance is totally rock bottom.

My friend had surgery a couple weeks ago, and got some vicodin for the pain but never ended up taking any. Not having had any pharma opiates in a bit over a year, I was interested to buy some and give myself a treat for working hard lately due to the pandemic. They were Vicodin HP: 10mg hydro w/ 300mg tylenol. I've had hydrocodone before only once a few years ago and had an ok time.

T + 0:00: I took 2.5 pills when I woke up around 8am, so 25mg hydrocodone.

T + 0:10: I almost immediately feel a little bit of a mood uplift, nothing strong but noticeable.

T + 0:45: It's certainly kicking in, I feel lighter and I can't help but pace around my house playing around with my cats. Unfortunately, when I take drugs, I have this anxiety over whether I took enough, as I don't want to "waste it" on a mediocre high. I give into this anxiety and take 1.5 more pills, totaling 40mg hydrocodone at this point.

T + 1:15: I made a mistake taking more, I overdid it and now feel slow and sluggish, and my mood has gone down. I feel a little nauseous, and just want to lay on my couch.

T + 1:30: I decide to smoke a small bowl to help with the nausea. Almost immediately feel better, decide to take a walk.

T + 2:00: About halfway through my walk and I feel great. The weed helped pick me out of that little crash, and now I'm feeling content and a bit numb from the hydrocodone.
About halfway through my walk and I feel great. The weed helped pick me out of that little crash, and now I'm feeling content and a bit numb from the hydrocodone.

T + 2:30: My voice is scratchy, my nose is itchy, and I feel very pleasant and talkative. This feeling continues for about the next 6 hours, and I finally come down smoothly around 6pm.

Conclusion: After feeling miserable for about 45 minutes towards the beginning, I felt fantastic for the entire day.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114721
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Aug 22, 2023Views: 204
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Hydrocodone (111) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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