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I Was Healed
Citation:   AnonCyber. "I Was Healed: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp114743)". Oct 6, 2023.

20 g oral Mushrooms (capsule)
One night I took 20 grams of dried high potency, organically grown psilocybin mushrooms. I felt like I was dying, so I thought 'These mushrooms will heal me'. So I took grams, had chicken dinner with 2 friends, then took more grams, one gram here (Powdered, encapsulated psilocybin cubensis powder) 0.5g per capsule.

I had taken around 2-5g by the time 2 or 3 hours had passed. I was feeling it, but it felt weak or was taking a long time to digest, I honestly felt like I wouldn't survive very long without more shrooms, so when I got home, I took like 15 dried grams. I thought, this will either heal meal, or kill me, and I think its going to heal me.

So, I took the 20g, and once it started working, I felt it first in my stomach, I sensed a tingling in my stomach as my stomach recognized the serotonin-analog psilocybin/ psilocin. I then decided to lay down in a room in our house, to ground myself. I laid on the carpet without music. Social situations/ phones/ etc give me anxiety whilst tripping. I like to focus on myself when tripping. I started to trip, beginning with a feeling of elation, energy, excitement.

At the peak of the trip, I entered an area I describe as the neocortex, the infinite space, the creation zone. I could send out neurons, like mycelium and create anything I could imagine. I could imagine my friends talking to me, as if they were there with me. I think Spirit of humanity can survive. I was able to ask my friends questions, and get responses in their voice.

I saw visions of local American heroes. People who pull over drunk drivers, people who help old ladies cross the street. I saw the face of my Dad, smiling as I learned to walk, read, and tell him about Lions Mane, a neuroregeneration fungus. I saw my mom smiling as I excelled in school.

I feel sick, and that's why I came to the mushrooms for healing, and I was healed. I felt a surge of energy, where I could of had sex with 10 women. The coolest part was creation,
I feel sick, and that's why I came to the mushrooms for healing, and I was healed. I felt a surge of energy, where I could of had sex with 10 women. The coolest part was creation,
being able to see in perfect clarity images of my grandma, waving me into church to sit next to her when I was 16, a prime time of my life.

I could see pristine ocean vistas, with waves and ocean mist touching my body, living, breathing itself was a full-body orgasm. Every cell, tuned in, healthy, neurologically perfect. I felt instantly ready to run 10 miles, chasing a dear barefoot on the desert floor. I ate fruit and realized how fleeting my life was, I felt like life was both entering and leaving me, and the shrooms allowed me to enjoy and heal, to get back on track.

I realized my anxiety I experience while sober, is due to a lack of feeling. I don't know how I feel, so I get anxiety. I realized how much I love food and family, and I love cooking homemade spicy meals for myself and friends. I realized how important Community partnership is, looking out for my neighbors, like cells of a body, my neighbors are like cells of a body, with the goal of survival and mutual protection, such as looking out for one another and being nice.


Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 114743
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 6, 2023Views: 18
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