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Marley and Me
by V
Citation:   V. "Marley and Me: An Experience with LSD (exp114793)". Sep 26, 2023.

100 ug oral LSD (edible / food)
The story starts one fateful Friday evening where I had finally lined up my first acid deal for a trip with my good friend and enough to trip with another since I had some extra cash. This was no ordinary deal as it was directly from one of the much wealthier counties about an hour away and driven into my shitty county specifically for my use. It couldn't have been more perfect. Though the fact that it was my slightly estranged ex bringing me the candy I knew I could trust them since they were an avid psychonaut.

I had done a shit ton of cleaning and rearranging hours before the deal so I was considerably wrecked but determined not to let the weekend slip away from me. I steeled my resolve and around 7 pm after getting dropped off at my best friend's house, we’ll call them Plant, I got the candy handed to me wrapped up in tinfoil. “Be safe and have fun.”they said. “I will! Thanks so much for doing this, man.” I walked back into the apartment and shook the little tinfoil in the air and threw it on the coffee table. “Wanna do them now?” I asked the plant. “Uhh.. no let's wait” plant replied. I agreed and said we’d take them once the sun went down. Plant agreed. So time went by with us listening to some Kpop and talking about nonsense like we normally do but this time stone cold sober due to the fact that we didn’t want anything interfering with our first trip. Eventually the big orange ball of hate went behind the horizon and Plant and I popped one candy each into our mouths out of the four that I bought. I said we should suck on them for about 5 minutes so the plant set a timer on their phone (like I said we didn't want anything going wrong.)

While listening to more Kpop we wait for the painfully long five minutes to expire, and eventually get to chew and swallow the candies and we then set another timer for 40 mins to see if there would be any effects at that point. It was also at this point that a little ghoul or gremlin in my brain had begun telling me that I would probably require more than the recommended starting dose of LSD due to incoherent reasons that made perfect sense to my desperate and excited psyche. I was however going to wait a considerable amount of time before doing the second dose as a form of reason with the autonomous force. As we waited we started to both feel a slight body high that was more reminiscent of weed to me seeing as I normally smoke every day, though Plant stated it was a far different feeling than weed which made me feel as if it wasn't working properly.

After the 40 minutes we decided to set a timer for another 20 and switch the music up as the Kpop music videos were starting to freak us out a little bit for an unknown reason. Plant had a really cool LED light setup in the room so we decided to switch our setting and get the lights on. We sat in Plants’ room for what felt like only a few minutes setting up the rainbow lights when the plant left to get something off the coffee table. It was at this point that both of our worlds shattered in an incredibly unexpected way,

As I was starting to see differences in the lights, like a slow waving pattern accompanying the still standing lights, Plant broke my concentration with a wavering “Hey.. V?” I noticed the caution in their voice and quickly replied with a “what's up?” ready to try and calm them down from having a bad trip or something. Plants' reply was not expected however as they communicated to me that they were completely fine and actually tripping considerably but the real issue was that their incredibly untrained dog had relentlessly ripped through the tin foil wrapper and ingested the leftover 200 mu of LSD candies.
but the real issue was that their incredibly untrained dog had relentlessly ripped through the tin foil wrapper and ingested the leftover 200 mu of LSD candies.

Time seemed to stop as we both stared at the crime scene both wondering what to do but not saying anything. It was at this point that Plant called their parent to communicate what happened to the dog. Once we reached them they told us that the dog could go into some kind of shock or even die from the chemicals ingested; so me and plant instantly started to lose our absolute shit and get incredibly anxious. We attempted to get the dog to throw up by forcing my hand down its slimy and teeth filled mouth but to no avail other than getting my hand bitten.

I then googled the semantics of the effects of LSD on dogs and discovered it to be non toxic but still incredibly potent. We were able to calm down both ourselves and the dog before the peak had hit completely and me and Plant both agreed that this was an unchangeable fact of our first trip at this point and all we could do is try to make the dog as comfortable as possible. To get a visual vibe going we put jellyfish live streams on youtube with chillwave music playing to get us in the mood. While also keeping a close eye on the dog that had just ingested more LSD than me and Plant put together.

I remember the first sign of the trip being a slight waving and morphing of the quite average carpet covering the floor. We were also constantly looking at the dog to try and distinguish if any of the tell tale signs of a dog tripping were showing themselves such as “disorientation, mydriasis, sedation, changes in behavior (such as increased grooming and play) and potentially hallucinations.” - according to the website. Our first sign was not one of these however as the dog started to repeatedly open and close its mouth with little short spurts of air leaving its lungs. This was slightly disarming as the dog itself is quite old and we had no way of telling if it was some sort of respiratory issue or just the copious amounts of chemical drugs rushing through its system.

Me and the plant passed the time of our shortly arriving peak by reassuring ourselves the dog would be okay and that people had experienced this before. While watching the jellyfish slowly begin to move more and more off of the screen, their waving tendrils almost wrap around the perimeter of the television. It seems the dog noticed this as well seeing as it began to jump around the living room barking, running, spinning, and going back and forth from the kitchen each time drinking copious amounts of water, even if the bowl was completely empty.

Around 9:30 to 9:45 me and the plant, and presumably the dog as well, were all on the peak of our trips. Each minute went on like an hour and it felt like it should have been much later. The dog being so hyperactive at this late hour worried us as Plant shared walls with other residents. We tried locking the dog in a dark room as people had recommended that when their dogs were tripping but it was a failure as the dog only got louder once locked away. We were able to infer however that the dog was so freaked out because of the jellyfish on screen. It would snap at something that wasn't there and do a couple of turns and then once again tried to attack the apparitions of deep sea creatures. Almost as if the trip gods were doing us a favor, the livestream of jellyfish shifted to a black screen without us noticing and this led to the dog lying down and quietly enjoying its trip like the rest of us. At this point me and Plant were much calmer and were enjoying our conversations and stimuli on our phones immensely.

Once the dog had fallen asleep (incredibly weird I know) we decided to switch the tv to deep sea footage. This was easily the best decision of both of our lives as we were completely enamored by the incredibly complex creatures that lived at a point where the sun did not reach. The colors reflecting off of their incredible eyes were indescribably beautiful. And each time the creature would blink or shift their head the colors shifted to a completely different but just as beautiful pallet. Plant who is normally quiet and reserved but still a blast to be with was much more talkative and jovial which once again made me feel even more euphoric.

The entire time me and Plant were in sync both visually and emotionally. I would turn my head to the blinds and say “yo do you see those?” and Plant would simply reply “yeah” and we’d both laugh like hyenas. We both decided to put music in our headphones as to not freak out the dog with new stimuli. The immense visual and mental effects made me feel like I didn't even need music however as I was so ecstatic that I was actually tripping and having such a good time with it. Eventually Plants' parent got home and was kinda pissed but not furious with us as we had explained the dog would be completely fine once the drugs wore off. She asked us if we were enjoying ourselves and we replied with a rousing “yes!” and in response they asked if we were actually tripping to which we once again replied with a quieter “yes..” and giggled to each other at the ludicracy of the question knowing the setting we were experiencing.

This was around 11PM and at this point the dog had woken up with all the commotion and needed to go outside. This worried us as we weren't sure how the dog would react to nature but it apparently went well without any issues so that worry had disappeared. We gave the dog more water and tried to get it to calm down again but continuously failed miserably. The only thing that would stop the incessant barking was letting the dog lick our hands or knees to a sickening degree. It was at this point that I began receding into my brain even more like a hermit crab made of brain tissue. I watched the thousands of deep sea organisms devour the carcass of a whale over a timelapse. Each one having a different feast with the same goal, to render the body a pile of bones hardly resembling the creature. Me and Plant were completely enthralled by these creatures and proceeded to talk to each other about what these animals could be thinking and what their own perceptions were like.

Simultaneously joking about the effects of LSD being administered to these foreign and interesting beings. The room had transformed from the two bedroom apartment living room into a deep sea chasm filled with apparitions of refracting light and weaving patterns. The walls and floors all moved with the same rapport as the creatures on screen. Along with this I was also fascinated by the amount of visual tracers I was experiencing, like my hand waving in front of my face or the computer mouse gliding along the screen. Everything was so beautiful and only got more and more interesting as my thoughts raced at the speed of a bullet train.

I was also watching random things on my phone at this point just to see exactly what my brain would do to something so familiar and hilarious to me. Anime as well was transformed to a beautiful visual symphony of colors and perceptual changes , making it one of the best animated scenes I have witnessed in my life, seeming completely brand new even though I had seen it an immeasurable amount of times. The dog eventually did us a favor and fell asleep with Plant's Mom so we were left to ourselves to enjoy the rest of our peak stress free. While I cannot begin to summarize all of the thoughts and stimuli I experienced I can say how outstanding being that in sync with such a different aspect of our universe was. The shifting of dimensions was indescribable as I slowly settled into my trip and I felt that even though I did not experience any kind of awakening or rebirth I did feel like this would be an experience that meant an incredible amount to me and would define who I later developed into.

As the night went on me and Plant began to recede into the corners of our minds more and just sat in a comfortable silence we were incredibly used to being such close friends. My brain did some not nice things to me at this point as I struggle with anxiety in my day to day life, I worried of the dog dying unexpectedly and it being completely my fault. I worried for my family though I don't know why, possibly due to the fact that I had been away from them for a while, and thought of school assignments I was slightly behind on. Instead on fixating in these thoughts for too long I simply allowed them to wash over me, being able to see them in a different light, although the thoughts of the dog's safety would not leave my brain and for very good reason.

We talked to one of Plants' close friends on the phone for a while as well as me communicating with a lot of my friends over the phone. Explaining the absolute insanity of the night and laughing at situational replies given by my friends. Eventually, we had both come down enough to the point where we slowly drifted into a light sleep that lasted from around 4 am to 6:30ish for me as I had to leave soon, but Plant continued to sleep more and was still asleep when I left around 10 AM.

All in all this was one of the most memorable nights of my life and I felt as if me and Plant had gained only more understanding and love for each other as companions. We were able to laugh at everything that was thrown our way and did not allow the chaos of the night ruin the experience we were determined to endure. I also feel as if that dog did indeed save my trip and quite possibly my life as I was certainly tempted to take another dose of LSD. I will definitely be tripping again soon, this time without a dog as a companion, and am even more interested in the ever-expanding world of psychedelics. Stay safe and have some fun *bark bark* -V

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114793
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Sep 26, 2023Views: 19
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