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Not Worth It
AP-238 & Clonazolam
Citation:   RussianDoll. "Not Worth It: An Experience with AP-238 & Clonazolam (exp114795)". Jan 4, 2021.

  repeated insufflated AP-238
    repeated   Clonazolam
[Erowid Note: Interactions between opioids and other drugs can be very dangerous. By some estimates, over 95% of opioid-related deaths involve an opioid combined with at least one additional medication or drug, most commonly a sedative or depressant (alcohol, benzodiazepines, or another opioid).]
So I gave this stuff a shot. It's an Opioid RC. The total is 1gm. ROA was insufflation. $58USD.

I'm scripted roxies and Xanax every month. So, for tolerance reference, I take 20-120mg of oxycodone and 1.5-5mg of alprazolam per day. Sometimes, I'll go a few weeks without either to reset my tolerance.

First bump gave me that warm morphine feeling, though with very little euphoria. Instant pupil constriction. I must have done about half a gram in 24 hours, slowly increasing in dosage. However, it seemed less effective each time.

As mentioned before, this stuff is quite caustic. About 12 hours in, I was blowing out mostly blood and thick mucous. My nasal passages and sinuses were, and still are, swollen, making my nose feel clogged.

Once I get past the incessant burning, odd smell, and other side effects, it is pretty relaxing. I mixed it with Clonazolam from the same company, so my memory is a bit foggy and I slept most of the day.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114795
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Jan 4, 2021Views: 1,937
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Clonazolam (686), AP-238 (929) : Unknown Context (20), Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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