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Magick Stuff
Citation:   Whoru. "Magick Stuff: An Experience with Morphine (exp114833)". Oct 18, 2020.

  repeated oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
    repeated IV Morphine (liquid)
    repeated IV Acetaminophen (liquid)
My mindset for this experience was quite highly traumatised from a life changing RTA (road traffic accident) and huge amounts of constant pain particularly my back, lack of sleep (from a busy hospital ward) and contemplating how lucky I was not to have been killed.

There were many times I lost track of what was happening and just 'dozed off' due to the high dosage of opiates running through my system (hospital pain specialists later admitted I was given way too higher dose than I should be and later corrected this) however this particular evening I believe I experienced the magik of morphine that others have also reported online.

It was sometime after midnight and things I thought (or knew) were one thing shifted to become something entirely different. The oxegenator of the patient opposite became a frog, a giant one at that! Its face was very peaceful and I didnt feel threatened and it even seemed normal (to the extent I had to grab my phone and take a picture! Looking at the picture later it looked nothing like a frog!)
The ceiling light became a portal that I could view what was happening at my place of work and I could listen in to the network managers fixing a faulty cabinet. Many technical terms were used I'd not heard of before (although I had been studying networking so perhaps depending rooted in my subconscious perhaps?)
I soon found myself to be in a desert with quite a wind whipping up, in the next room are goblins playing pool with fish guts. These strange scenarios continue to change at an almost alarming frequency. As soon as I make sense of it all the scenario changes again and again.

After my meds were reduced I never had this sort of trip again but it was something I'll never forget as it all seemed so real. it was if I was transported to another realm and hence the thought there really is some magik in such high doses of the drug.

Currently 12 months on I'm morphine free and on low doses of codine to help with the pain. I do have a big bottle of morphine concentrate left but I'm quite content to save for emergencies and havent ever taken it for fun. (As the constipating effects really are not worth it.)

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114833
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Oct 18, 2020Views: 968
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Morphine (211) : General (1), Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Hospital (36)

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