Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
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Heart Opening
Columnar Cacti - T. macrogonus & T. bridgesii
Citation:   Ghost. "Heart Opening: An Experience with Columnar Cacti - T. macrogonus & T. bridgesii (exp114836)". Oct 18, 2020.

11 in oral Cacti - columnar (tea)
Drank another tea made from Macrogonus and Bridgesii. This one ended up being a lighter dose than expected.

Minimal nausea. No vomitting. Felt a fairly heavy bodyload. Felt lots of energy. But paradoxically also felt heavy, like my body weighed more and sank into chairs that I sat in. It was both at the same time. On my feet feeling lots of energy. But sitting down feeling real heavy. After awhile I got on the stationary bike and felt comfortable there. Ended up riding it for a long time and felt great. Felt like I could ride it forever.

No real open eyed visuals other than colors looking brighter and everything looking a little sharper and more crisp. But when I closed my eyes in a dark room with the music on I saw undulating, morphing patterns that kind of "bounced" to the beat of the music.

The main experience I had from this trip was a heart opening that left me feeling lots of patience and understanding for people in my life whom I am close to. The normal frustrations or challenges that I have with some of those people were wiped away, and I was able to look at them with an abundance of compassion and love. This was the main feeling that I had during the trip, and it was where most of my mental energy was focused. This was not an intention of mine going into the trip. It just happened.

The next day I had the painful experience of returning to a normal state of consciousness and interacting with some of those people. I was struck by the lack of kindness with which we were accustomed to interacting. It was a painful reminder of additional work that I must do to improve those relationships. I'm trying to get back to that place of kindness and compassion that was shown to me by the cactus. I want that to be my reality in everyday life with those people, not just something that I think about while tripping.

[Reported Dose: "Tea from 6 inches of Macrogonus and 5 inches of Bridgesii"]

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114836
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 18, 2020Views: 867
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Cacti - columnar (10), Cacti - T. bridgesii (448) : Unknown Context (20), Relationships (44), Combinations (3), General (1)

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