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Substances Don't Affect Me a Single Bit
Haloperidol decanoate
Citation:   Johnny Adams. "Substances Don't Affect Me a Single Bit: An Experience with Haloperidol decanoate (exp114857)". Erowid.org. Nov 12, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114857

  IM Pharms - Haloperidol
    smoked Various
    oral Various
I took a haldol dec shot monthly for 8 months because of a time I was kicked out of my parents and got my own apartment but shortly was kicked out of there too. I was homeless and didn't feel safe sleeping and was getting really delusional from the stress.
I was homeless and didn't feel safe sleeping and was getting really delusional from the stress.
It was about 2 weeks I didnt sleep I was already delusional and I smoked weed and it drove me to psychosis. I had psychosis twice before this in a span of 3 years due to no sleep as well.

Besides the psychosis after 3/4 months of the shot substances from herbal tea like chamomile up to coke and xanax dont affect me a single bit. Prior to this I just smoked weed and occasionally beer but out of desperation I have tried many drugs that I tried in my teen years when I was experimenting to get high. Weed, xanax, shrooms, mdma, coke, alchohol, trazadone, klonopin dont work even in high doses and strong strength. I tried 1 whole gram of coke in a short sitting . 4 xanax, 7g of shrooms, 33 percent thc exotic top shelf and 3.5g of it in a sitting, only tried a bit of molly. Hard liquor doesnt work either even tequila while on the med.

While on the shots of haldol super high doses of benadryl 700-1000mg get me high but its nasty high and no hallucenations and one time I got a seizure and heart rate was retarded high. Duster (I was really desperate) you could die from your first huff but I'm sure u guys arent that desperate to do duster I was just tired of being sober for months and months if I just had weed to work I wouldnt really be doing much else.

6 months off the shot if I take a break from alcohol and drink some fireball I can sorta feel good effects from it. Alcohol and marijuana on haldol besides the first few shots just produce a vision change if I take a break from it. I'm seeing through my eyes like I'm drunk or stoned but I dont feel any good feelings from it. I wanna know if salvia works but I cant really afford it right now its like 40 bucks for like a half gram or a gram of it. I don't think DMT would work because haldol blocks sigma 1 receptor possibly irreversible as it says in scholarly articles. Anyways besides the drugs haldol and also invega sustenna will completely rob me of joy. I regret ever taking the long acting shot. The pills woulda been outta my system by now. Also if I get the shot in the butt cheek instead of the arm the half life doubles. I don't think I'm gonna enjoy weed for another 1.5 years and idk if it'll ever return the same. I've been doing lots of research and talking to others with the shot. Doctors say it should be out of your system in 1 month its complete bullshit just 1 half life is one month. I've tried to kill myself not just because I lost my favorite thing in the world which is weed but I spent almost a year with no joy ahedonia stopped going to school and work. Its a shit show on this drug.

I'm just hoping things return the same. I can't believe I got so low as to try duster and benadryl just thinking of benadryl makes my stomach turn cause of the nasty tasting pills. Yet I almost got back into them 5 months after having a seizure from them out of desparation. Luckily alcohol has returned somewhat if I take a long enough break between drinks or it'll just be like a vision change without being drunk but last time I stopped drinking for 2 weeks and I felt pretty darn good while I was drunk the next day tried drinking and it was just a vision change no good feelings.

The one thing that has worked throughout this is tobacco. Not regular cigerettes they dont give me a head rush but american spirit black tobacco out of a bong will give me a rush somewhat euphoric too but thats a nasty habit I'm trynna kick asap. I know I sound like a fiend but when I have my weed I dont dabble into anything else took me a long time without weed to start freaking out though I kept thinking it was a tolerance problem. Theres less potent antipyschotics thatll get u out of a psychosis or ur schizophrenia I could go on and on how it ruined my life. It also made me walk like a zombie a few times but thank god it didnt last.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 114857
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Nov 12, 2020Views: 1,163
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Pharms - Haloperidol (308), Sleep Deprivation (140) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Post Trip Problems (8), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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