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Newborn Baby
5-MeO-DMT & Sertraline
Citation:   5-MEO-MY. "Newborn Baby: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT & Sertraline (exp114938)". Nov 18, 2020.

100 mg oral Pharms - Sertraline (daily)
  8 - 10 mg vaporized 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
Current medications: 100mg zoloft daily
1 gram of pot smoked 1 hour previous

Myself and my friend, J, had been planning to try 5-MeO-DMT for a while and my 100 mg order finally arrived from a reputable RC vendor.

J decided to go first, as he could see my anxiety as I was trying to weigh out his dose. Let me tell you that this is a difficult substance to weigh.
Let me tell you that this is a difficult substance to weigh.
100 mg looked a lot smaller in person. I managed to get 13 mg on the scale, and scooped most but not all up with a small spoon, and placed it on the e-nail, which was set at 560 degrees Fahrenheit. He took the full amount in 1 inhale and laid back on the mattress we had set out on his green room floor.

He immediately went into starfish position, and began deep belly breaths through his nose. This continued for 7 minutes, which is when he muttered the only sound of his experience, "man its so peaceful". Upon opening his eyes he was filled with happiness, even hugging me once he returned to his feet.
My turn now.

At this point my heart was racing, and what I assume was my ego began to tell me that I would be full on skitzofrentic when this process was complete. I have read some of the works of Martin Ball PHD which is why I was able to ignore this voice and go through with the process. J eyeballed a pile the same size as what he ingested, which I estimate was between 8 and 10 mg. I got into position on the mattress and took my pull. I remember lying down, but immediately everything began to turn white. I felt a huge vibrational change in my body, most intense in my hand and fingertips. I started to hear the voice inside my head shouting warnings to me:
"Now you've done it"
"Definitley gonna be skitso"
"If you sit up and open your eyes this will all go away"

It was strange that these comments did not seem to be coming from my mind, but from another party who had stowed away for the ride. And with the last stowaway comment, I blacked out and the next thing I remember was being able to slightly make out the ceiling in the room. As everything turned from extremely bright to regular colors, I was overcome with happiness and appreciation of life. I said out loud that this must be how a newborn baby feels, only it is not able to verbalize or even remember the experience. J said that while I was in the state, I made sounds, some that were like snoring, that turned into sounded like a baby cooing and gurgling. I continued to lay on the mattress for another 10 minutes, marveling at my skin's ability to feel itself. My socks massaged my feet with each tiny movement. By the time I got up, 15 minutes after ingesting, I was 80% back to baseline.

In thinking back, the sensation I felt seemed to come from my chest area, not my head which is where I thought it would feel localized. I believe that when I blacked out, it was due to my ego being separate from my true self for the first time, so I hope the next time I try it, I can stay lucid while staying in the beautiful right white light.

I originally had read that SSRIs like zoloft will make the effect less intense, needing a bigger dose to break through. I am so glad I did not do a higher dose because I definitely achieved full release. Or did I?

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114938
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Nov 18, 2020Views: 771
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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