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Frankly, a Revelation
2C-B & Sildenafil
Citation:   Dr Quot. "Frankly, a Revelation: An Experience with 2C-B & Sildenafil (exp115021)". Dec 17, 2020.

21.25 mg oral 2C-B
    oral Pharms - Sildenafil
I started at about 21.25 with a single pill; I hadn’t eaten anything for a couple of hours as suggested by online advice. I only ate THEN because my days of starving myself before taking stuff are long gone... It started working about 35 minutes later.

At first I noticed a slight increased brightness in colours, then any form of geometric perception was heightened. When I left the room, I was more aware of how the shape of things like doorframes related to the flat planes of the walls; I also started to notice a kind of ‘speedy’ feeling within my system; but subtly. On my return to my ‘office’ there are a bunch of arty post cards on my walls with heavily concentrated geometric patterns on them - these literally JUMPED out of the frame at me. I remember a similar experience the last time I had a proper experience on it (years ago) where the intricate patterning on a wooden garden fence was similarly striking. The ‘speedy’ feeling gradually increased; I could compare it to having ‘butterflies’ in my stomach. I know that this is caused by blood draining from the stomach as part of the ‘fight or flight’ mechanism, so maybe 2C-B ups the brain’s cortisol output, I dunno (not being an Endocrinologist). Maybe this is the ‘nausea’ that people refer to? So I went back to the task I’d been doing (posting a link to an ‘adult’ section of Reddit). It had all been going fine until I had to start making up a GIF for the site; it’s not hard, but I’m a bit rusty. Pretty soon I reached a hurdle on the GIF building and I knew that I was not in a state to finish it. This was around 21.50, and the situation was starting to deteriorate rapidly.

I was frankly surprised that my cognitive faculties were downhill quite so quickly; the ‘butterflies’ increased, as did the visual distortion, and as this was going to be a sexy solo session I didn’t have much time to prepare. Next time I will be aware of the shortness of the come-up time, and adjust accordingly.

I had planned a session of Estim, which takes a bit of forethought at the best of time. I was running around the flat like a madman, sorting out tobacco, rizlas, laptops and Stim kit whilst I could see my window of ‘capability’ closing in front of my eyes - it was truly comical...!

In the end, I threw myself on the bed just as the hit REALLY started to bite; it got very confusing before I was able to set up, by which time the ‘butterflies’ had disappeared and the experience proper started to bite.

What else can I say? My vendor obviously took extremely good care of their supply; the fact that they had them for over two years did nothing to diminish their power, and I’m certainly glad I didn’t take more.

It’s a wonderful, sensual drug; a perfect combination of the best bits of MDMA and the best bits of coke without the disadvantages of either (too much ‘loved up-ness’ and continually having to top up with extra lines). The discoverer, Shulgin was quite correct when he said that if a true aphrodisiac is ever invented it will certainly be related to 2C-B. I had the BEST night, spoiled only by the absence of my wife being there to share the experience (but I intend to remedy that).

The Estim session was out of this world and I have to say that the 2C-B out-ran everything, from my Viagra dose to my laptop battery.😄

Three hours and 55 minutes later, the experience tailed off extremely quickly and by 02.10 I was back at baseline. No comedown, no tailing off, no edginess, no sleeplessness. I rolled a zoot, smoked that and slept soundly until about 09.30.

I woke up very refreshed and un-hungover; just as well because the day was actually quite fraught with real-life emergencies with which I would have been unable to cope during a typical ‘morning after.’

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115021
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 54
Published: Dec 17, 2020Views: 1,052
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