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Tickling the Threshold
by koqq
Citation:   koqq. "Tickling the Threshold: An Experience with 2C-CN (exp115480)". Aug 23, 2021.

1.6 - 180 mg oral 2C-CN
Due to a lack of knowledge about effects on human mind we have decided to evaluate the activity of 2C-CN. It is a lesser known phenethylamine psychedelic which wasn‘t originaly synthetized by Alexander Shulgin. There’s no report neither a study focusing on its biological activity.

Purity and identity was confirmed by NMR, IR and Raman spectroscopy. All samples were administered orally as the hydrochoride salt dissolved in distilled water. No other drugs had been consumed at least 72 hours before the testing.

According to publication A Protocol for the Evaluation of New Psychoactive Drugs in Man (1986) by Shulgin et al., first testing dose was decided based on the known closest analogues 2C phenethylamines that are active in the units to tens of miligrams range. Additionally, one human trial of an amphetamine analogue DOCN was reported on with the active dose noted at 6 mg. Therefore it was assumed 2C-CN will be somewhat less potent.

First trials started at 1.6 and were gradually increased to 2.5, 3.8, 10.2, 20+21 and 60+35 mg (F). Threshold was finally noted at 95 mg. Another tests were conducted with a friend.

105 (M) and 120 mg (F). First effects were noted within one hour. The was nothing psychedelic only slightly stronger perception of our surroundings. Especially the sound of everything in the room was enhanced
The was nothing psychedelic only slightly stronger perception of our surroundings. Especially the sound of everything in the room was enhanced
(flowing water, blowing air, etc…). This experience was rather short lived and after 2 hours we were back to baseline again.

155 mg (M) The first effect appeared after more the one hour from consumtion. I noted that the spectrum of a white light shining in the room became shifted toward yellow color. Within next 30 mins the effect become slightly stronger and the changes in color became periodical every 5 mins or so. At 2 hour mark I was on baseline again.

180 mg (F). 30 mins after ingestion there is a funny body load noted, which persists throughout the experience. I am grateful for doing what I do and genuinely enjoy it. There are no psychedelic effects, but indisputable mood enhancement and underlying fundamental satisfaction. Color perception is also enhanced. After 2 hours we are probably back at baseline.

The last two experiments were +1 according to Shulgin Rating Scale. Next suggested dose would be above 200 miligrams, but we are currently running out of both the substance and time.

Overall, 2C-CN was found active in human but with a lesser potency compared to the other members of 2C family compounds. Noteworthy is also its very short duration of about 2 hours. Furthermore, the preparation starts with 2C-B which is converted to 2C-CN in another three steps requiring phthalimide protection. In the end, one ends up with a smaller amount of a weaker psychedelic. In particular, for each dose of 2C-CN one could have had about 20 doses of 2C-B – up to everyone’s choice and priorities.

This might be the reason why no one has ever bothered with synthesizing and evaluating 2C-CN.

[Age field given: 20-30 or 20 & 30]

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115480
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Aug 23, 2021Views: 761
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2C-CN (947) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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