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A Serious Product, but Nothing Unexpected
Citation:   Johnson. "A Serious Product, but Nothing Unexpected: An Experience with Metonitazene (exp115491)". Jun 16, 2021.

1 - 10 mg vaporized Metonitazene (powder / crystals)
Experiences with narcotics had been so far limited to relatively "manageable" products namely medical morphine and what is considered a "soft" RC, bucinnazine-237.

I felt there were still some things left to experience in order to call it quits with narcotics. Over at a website that I deemed reliable, they sold the old bucinnazine along with...metonitazene. A cousin of its eto- and isoto- analogs that got some heavy attention around the years 2019-20. In the meantime there has been some more analogs...that each have a very variable power per mg.

Pure product is a beige powder, it must be neither white nor fully brown. Reported power is 100x morphine but that, as it's been reported elsewhere already, is kind of an exaggeration. Some say that is representative of the product's power when injected, and that may be right but I can't confirm. When smoked / ingested however we're looking at several mgs per dose. Over time I went through 1g.

I put the powder on aluminium, held with some slim pliers. Powder is spread around and piled up as little as possible. The lighter is not be held too close so as to not set the product on fire. I progressively vaporize the whole thing and tadaa.

Action is quick as expected with perhaps 1-3 minutes needed to feel the rush progressively gain intensity. At t+5 minutes effects have peaked for sure. The product feels very much like other narcotics, not so different from morphine. Rush is orgasmic while then it stabilizes and leaves a good comfortable buzz. Not very anesthetic, only a little. Will also generally make social interaction more prolific. Duration of effects seems pretty long however since after taking some "heavier" amounts, one is often left with a hangover-like sensation after a whole night and even the next day, it seems. It is not due to addiction, only the after effects of one dose. Can't tell for sure what the speed of elimination is but there is no way it's 3 hours or so. That stuff is slow.

The product does have a taste and while I can't describe it it is not unpleasant, not very bitter or anything. I understand that the nitazene class will be used to some extent as a fentanyl substitute and that makes sense. It should be managed with the same amount of caution because what it brings to the table is essentially the same thing.

Take care.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115491
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jun 16, 2021Views: 2,942
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Metonitazene (949) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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