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Deep Thought
Citation:   Shattermymind. "Deep Thought: An Experience with Yopo (exp115575)". Oct 11, 2023.

3 seeds insufflated Anadenanthera peregrina (ground / crushed)
The round flat seeds I purchased a week ago arrive today. Very excited to attempt this, I have done DMT in the past but never Yopo. I am using baking powder in today’s attempt. My mindset going in is anxious about the pain but also anxious about my journey. This will be the first experience where I am consciously deciding to go with it and not try to control experience. I’m a 29-year-old male. I smoke cigarettes and cannabis on a daily basis. In the past I have tried blue meanies, gold tops, methamphetamines, opium, datura, Hawaiian baby wood rose, and the pure dmt I had last year (low dose).

I snorted the two lines at the same time with a straw up each nostril. I knew what to expect and it was just as bad as everyone says. For the first 20 minutes I puked my guts up. In a strange way it felt I was puking up all that was bad within me. After about 15 minutes I blew my nose. This whole experience was absolutely horrible and while I was in it I kept thinking to myself yopo is no good. After the nausea had run its course I proceeded to head for my bed. Still not feeling the best at this time.

Once in bed I began to improve by the minute. At about 25 minutes in all pain and nausea was completely gone. Now I could enjoy the absolutely euphoric experience that followed. I did not have visions, I did not see god. What I did experience was a deep communion with the yopo plant. The plant shared with me knowledge about how to use it in different circumstances and how many seeds to consume for each purpose. The next 40 minutes were spent in very deep thought.
The plant shared with me knowledge about how to use it in different circumstances and how many seeds to consume for each purpose. The next 40 minutes were spent in very deep thought.
What I thought about I cannot say as I do not remember what happened in that 40 minutes. All I can say is that 40 minutes felt like an entire day of deep thought. From the hour mark and onwards sobriety came closer by the minute only leaving a slight haze of what I have experienced.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115575
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Oct 11, 2023Views: 16
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Anadenanthera peregrina (285) : Alone (16), Personal Preparation (45), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), General (1)

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