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Comfortable Warmth
Blue Lotus
Citation:   Jgarbo. "Comfortable Warmth: An Experience with Blue Lotus (exp115610)". Jul 23, 2023.

2 joints/cigs smoked Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (flowers)
About a year or so ago, I ordered one ounce of dried blue lotus flowers from an online vendor. It arrived quickly, and I experimented with the flowers in various forms. I have tried making a tea, which had very little effect, and smoking out of a pipe, which produced noticeable albeit mild effects.

In this experience, I was spending a night with a few friends. They were smoking marijuana, but since that is one substance I usually stay away from, I chose instead to smoke lotus. I removed one large flower, about two grams if I had to guess, and started to separate the dried leaves from the stamens. My intent was to conduct a rudimentary experiment to see if the leaves or stamens were more psychoactive.

I rolled my first joint consisting only of crumbled leaves, which I found produced a mild effect. I felt calm, but unlike the contentment of benzos or most other anxiolytics, it was more of a dull calm, like my head was empty and devoid of any human emotion. However, this was still a very light effect.

I rolled the next joint consisting only of stamens. I did not grind or crumble them, and instead filled a pre-roll. I smoked this one quickly, finishing it in two to three minutes. I now felt a more profound effect, which could have been simply a delayed onset from the first joint, or more likely the more instantaneous effects of the second.

The same feeling of empty-headedness continued, though it was strangely less pronounced at this point. It is possible that the effect could have still been fully there, but my attention was drawn by the comfortable warmth I now felt in my head, not unlike a few drinks of alcohol. My vision was now slightly blurred, and I felt my perception of my surroundings become far less analytical and sharp.
my attention was drawn by the comfortable warmth I now felt in my head, not unlike a few drinks of alcohol. My vision was now slightly blurred, and I felt my perception of my surroundings become far less analytical and sharp.
While I normally am observant to a fault and borderline paranoid about harmless things, I now felt that everything I perceived was perceived without much thought.

This became especially obvious when my friends decided to put on a VHS tape of an old children's program, hoping for some nostalgia. As we watched it, I could tell that the show was bizarre, even creepy, although I understood this without feeling it. Under normal circumstances, I would probably be weirded out by the show and constantly questioning it, but thanks to the lotus, I was able to sit back and simply perceive without feeling.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115610
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 23, 2023Views: 312
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Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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