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Can Still Fall Asleep but My Brain Will Not Go to Sleep
Citation:   MultipleSchlerosisRx. "Can Still Fall Asleep but My Brain Will Not Go to Sleep: An Experience with Modafinil (exp115697)". Aug 31, 2021.

100 - 400 mg oral Modafinil
The instructions on the bottle are wrong and dangerous in my opinion.

Modafinil will keep my brain awake for 15 hours even though I am able to fall asleep, the brain stays awake. I do not ever take this after 9am and preferably before 7am. I usually take 200 or 300mg. I take them in 100mg doses 20-30 minutes apart because its a real big jolt to the heart if I take it all at once and is scary.

The instructions on the bottle do not specify or warn against your brain being put in an awake state for 15 hours. I can still fall asleep but my brain will not go to sleep. My brain will hurt really really bad from not having slept even though I slept.

Exp Year: 2018-2021ExpID: 115697
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Aug 31, 2021Views: 566
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Modafinil (217) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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