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Low Impact Fun
Citation:   adults. "Low Impact Fun: An Experience with Valerian (exp115709)". May 6, 2023.

2695 mg oral Valerian (extract)
    smoked Cannabis (flowers)
    smoked Tobacco (leaves)
  1320 ml oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
My adventure with valerian was brought on by the need for a cheap, easily accessible, and mild drug. I've tried loads of different substances and I'm mostly bored of doing drugs. Valerian appealed to me because I can go through the excitement and ritual of doing drugs but without much physical or mental burden of something harder.

This experience occurs at a mate's house surrounded by close friends. Over the course of 5-6 hours I had two spliffs and 4 330ml beers. I purchased a box of valerian extract pills for 5£. On the box it said one per day so naturally I took 7 at once for all the days of the week (no tolerance). I went into the experience with little expectation. I heard that it's mild at best but I was interested in how it compared to benzos.

The onset took about 20 minutes. The first effect I noticed was lights being massively intensified and slight tracers. I was not expecting this to be a visual drug but I can confidently say that this dose was visually comparable to a microdose of mushrooms. Sedation and a sense of calm was also present at this time. The whole experience I had a very slight nod every time I closed my eyes.
Sedation and a sense of calm was also present at this time. The whole experience I had a very slight nod every time I closed my eyes.
These definitely work for anxiety and sleep. I could have easily slept during the experience but it wasn't a challenge to stay awake. Nicotine was fantastic this whole time.

After a beer and some weed, the effects seemed to reach their peak. Colors were bright and vibrant, conversation was easy and sitting still (challenging for me) was effortless. This feeling slowly decreased until the end of the night where it was still present but slight. I kept drinking, albeit slowly and the two did seem to potentiate one another. I'd say the main effects lasted 3.5 hours and it could still be felt another 4 hours later.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115709
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 6, 2023Views: 460
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Valerian (48) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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