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Both Stimulated and Sedated From It
by an0
Citation:   an0. "Both Stimulated and Sedated From It: An Experience with Pregabalin (exp115717)". Erowid.org. Aug 21, 2021. erowid.org/exp/115717

1200 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (capsule)
My First Hallucinations

I had many experiences with pregabalin, at doses from 75 to 600mg's

When I take it I feel drunk and disconnected from the world and my body. I also feel a nice tingling body high.

I feel both stimulated and sedated from it - after this drug my creativity increases and I feel strong urge to dance and sing. I feel motivated and time passes quicker.

One time I decided to take about 1200mg's of pregabalin. Unfortunately, I can't tell much about my set&setting at the time of experience, but I can tell, that I was feeling very excited - the highest dose of pregabalin I tried was 600 milligrams which felt like 150mgs because of my tolerance.

At the time of the experience I didn't have any tolerance to pregabalin.

T+0 [late evening] Took about 16 capsules, each containing 75mg's of pregabalin (1200mg in total)

T+50m slight loss of motor control, and slurred speech. No feelings of drunkness, which suprised me, because even dosages as small as 75mg made me "drunk"

T+2h [nighttime] I'm talkative and euphoric. Talking to strangers felt like talking to a close friend - I felt very open and I said things that I would not normally share with other people.

T+2h 30m I remembered a trip report that I have read online, where someone had CEVs on about 600 milligrams

So I tried to achieve that state.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I entered a state very similar to lucid dreaming. I was walking through a hallway, and I could choose where I wanted to go - it felt very immersive.

As soon as I opened my eyes everything was back to normal. But if I closed them, I could, again enter lucid dream-like state.

I could rapidly enter and exit this state, by just opening and closing my eyes

I couldn't sleep that night, which was also weird, since pregabalin usually makes me tired.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115717
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 21, 2021Views: 3,305
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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