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Fairies Then Black Void
Citation:   Roadhouse. "Fairies Then Black Void: An Experience with DMT (exp115790)". Sep 28, 2021.

  repeated vaporized DMT
I was hitting the vape pen and closing my eyes and I could see these sexy entity dancers? I don't know but everything was black and outlined in fluorescence like red and green almost like that movie Tron but they kept fading really fast so I kept hitting the pen as I wanted to join them.

They were vacuuming my nose with this machine as my nose was fucked from k, and I opened my eyes for the last time to grab it and it's like the pen was the focal point of gravity? Like a black hole sucking in the room and the room was pointing at me to just do it! I hit it thinking cool, I'll get to hang out with these fairies, nope. My body was obliterated (folded into itself) and it felt like I pissed myself, all noise condensed into silence, the room no longer existed. At first a black and white checkered room. I panicked and tried to open my eyes but I had no eyes or body or room or planet or anything, I was pure consciousness. I thought I must have died in my bed from a heart attack or a stroke or something and this is what death is now I'm in the realm where it's nothing but pure consciousness, who do I know that's died maybe I can find them for help? There were no entities or anything around me it was a void of blackness but the only thing that would show up were my thoughts, I would think human and then I would picture a woman with holding a baby and a tree of life?

At that point I figured that I was just in the afterlife and after life was pure consciousness in that what we create is the realms that we exist in so that I had to figure out how to navigate this new existence. At some point I felt the room around me again and I was able to see it but it was all just fragments and like kind of painting looking like, I thought I was projecting it to appear in order to calm myself to deal with the fact that I had died by recreating a 3D world I knew. I managed to stand up and leave my room and walk outside when the trip started to die down and I could see that I was actually in reality and not a ghost.

The joy in having a body and my friends and to feel it all, not just pleasure but pain was profound.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115790
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Sep 28, 2021Views: 677
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DMT (18) : Unknown Context (20), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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