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Four Trips With Four Different Doses
Citation:   spicyapple. "Four Trips With Four Different Doses: An Experience with 2C-B (exp115805)". Erowid.org. Sep 27, 2021. erowid.org/exp/115805

15 - 55 mg oral 2C-B
I have been experimenting trying to find the correct dosage that brings me the desired state of mind with 2-CB.

Over the course of the last 6 months I have tried the following:
15mg, 20mg, 28mg, and 40+15mg.

All of these experiences are with the same batch of 2-CB. Tested with Marquis and Mecke.

- Taken orally around 6pm.
- Last meal was lunch around 1pm.
+0:30 - Start to feel "off", a little bit of a body load, mostly the feeling of pressure around my head. Not bad but not good. More so distracting than anything else.
+0:45 - Same type of body load going but sounds and visuals are amped up a little bit. It's more like the level of everything got turned up by one notch.
+1:00 - Nausea and head pressure comes and goes. Not bad but just distracting. My mind starts to wonder a bit kind of like the effects of psilocybin. I'm more in control though, it's like at any moment I can stop and refocus. There isn't any visuals but music sounds a little better.
+2:00 - Same as before but starting to fade down.
+3:00 - I feel almost back to normal but in a better mood.
-No side effects the next day.
- Over all I think this amount was too small. The body load feeling isn't enjoyable and not worth it for the slight positive effects.

- Taken orally around 12pm.
- Last meal was lunch around 9am
+0:40 - Head had a cool feeling. Maybe the onset of a body type high. Not a desirable feeling but not painful or overly distracting. Nausea comes and goes. Mental state seems normal. No changes to senses.
+1:10 - Sound and visual intensity has increased. Text is now wavy if I look at it. Food taste better. Everything seems brighter. If I don't concentrate on something I see very mild visual distortions. Mentality I feel that I can engage in a conversation as if I'm not on a substance.
+2:00 - I went on a walk which was nice but there was this underlaying energy that was kind of distracting. There wasn't really much extra visual stimulation.
+3:00 - At this point I seem to be coming down. The transition is very smooth and continues this way till it feels like it's completely done. At the end I feel this general calm feeling that last for the rest of the night.
- No side effects the next day.
- I don't think this amount is worth doing either. Maybe in a social settings or when I'm out of the house it could be okay?

- Taken orally around 7pm.
- Last meal was just before I dosed and I was pretty full.
+1:00 - Not really feeling anything at this point. I know the full stomach is going to delay it and stretch it out.
+2:00 - Not much has changed. At this point I decide to take an edible (5mg THC).
+2:30 - I feel like I have some extra energy but kind of on the jittery side. I go for a walk with my partner. The walk was very fun. Mentally I felt like the high I would get from THC is kicking in but with extra clarity and energy added in. I wasn't experiencing any visuals. I did start to get an unpleasant body load that included a head ache and nausea. This would come and go.
+3:30 - I'm back home at this point and transition to listening to music and hanging on the porch. If I don't focus on something I would get kind of wavy type visuals but nothing dramatic. My mind would wonder thoughts some but I could bring it back at any point.
+4:00 - At this point I feel like I can feel the effects of THC more than anything else. Over the course of the next hour the suspected effects of 2-CB goes down as THC comes up more so.
- No side effects the next day.
- I wish I didn't take any THC so I could better understand how this drug effected me for this dose.

- Taken orally around 1pm.
- Last meal was around 10am, medium size
0:40 - This general at ease feeling has become apparent. I feel more relaxed and just slightly more happy. This is hard to quantify but it is a slight but noticeable feeling. No visuals at this point.
1:10 - Not much has changed at this point. I might be seeing this colorful static that's overlaid very faintly but really I could just be making it up. Everything else seems normal.
1:50 - Text is a little wavy and fluid looking. Mentally I feel 100% in control. I do have a but of body load with head pressure that comes and goes.
2:30 - Again, not much has changed. If I don't concentrate on something, there are some slight wavy like visuals. I feel about the same over all though.

2:40 - I decide at this point to take an additional 15mg of 2-CB orally.
3:20 - The at ease feeling has increased more. Music sounds better and I'm starting to get lost in my thoughts. At any point I can pull out of that though. I have to try to loose focus to allow for these effects to take over. The wavy text is stronger but not by that much. Colors seem about the same. I see some distortions if I don't focus.
4:30 - I feel like not too much has changed. I watch a documentary for a bit but stop after about 10 minutes because there is a visual effect that I notice that makes it kind of distracting. It's almost like the camera will move slightly over in one direction pause and then move to another direction. I looked at a painting and it was doing this as well. I still feel fully in control mentally but I'm noticing that I can space out very easily and day dream. I do have the urge to be close with my partner during this. She is not home during this experience. I can see how people do relate it to MDMA now.
6:00 - I'm feeling about the same as before but starting to get hungry. I walk down the street to pick up some food. It wasn't that difficult. I came back and ate and put on the movie Samsara. I was able to watch it without it being "too much" and really enjoyed it. I think after this point I started to come down.
7:00 - Visuals and day dreaming easily have subsided. I feel the afterglow effects that I have commonly read about. The come down is very smooth and not really apparent.
- No side effects the next day.

I finally understand why people say good things about this substance. I don't understand why I have to take such a high dose though. It does seem that it's affected by how full my stomach is more so than other substances.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115805
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Sep 27, 2021Views: 1,651
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2C-B (52) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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