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Good Time
by nat
Citation:   nat. "Good Time: An Experience with 1P-LSD (exp115830)". Oct 27, 2021.

1 hit oral 1P-LSD
I was in France when I took this, in an Airbnb apartment with no air conditioning and outside temperatures of 35+ degrees. It was a leftover tab from a bunch bought at least two years beforehand as a (then) legal alternative to LSD. It was supposed to be a 100μg tab, but because of how old it was, and that it wasn't intentionally stored to to preserve it, we think it may have lost some of its potency.

I also don't have a very chronological memory of the experience, so I'll just write the things I do remember. I didn't have very strong visual effects, much to my disappointment, as 1P-LSD has been considered to be nearly identical to LSD so I was expecting strong visuals. I was also expecting to feel a lot of introspection, which I was quite nervous about because I was always afraid of a "bad trip" (whether or not such a thing exists). The most persistent effect was the body high, which felt quite consistently heavy and bordering unpleasant.

The most significant part of the trip was the meditation. My partner and I meditated during it for 20 minutes, I think, but it felt incredibly long to me. I wouldn't say the closed eye visuals were particularly strong, but I did feel like there was an entire world beneath my eyes that I could explore and I almost couldn't see the value in ever opening my eyes again when there was so much to see.
I almost couldn't see the value in ever opening my eyes again when there was so much to see.
There were definitely paths I could try to follow through my mind, like thoughts and visuals combining to create the paths. I didn't have a strong urge to stay there or anything, I was just vastly impressed at how meaningful it was to be in my own mind for that time. I also felt as though I had a connection to a fly that was in the room at the time, because I knew he was in the real world but also with my eyes closed I could hear him flying around in my own internal world and that seemed quite meaningful to me. This was probably also the coolest part of the trip, and I think in general it helped me to appreciate meditation a lot more (a hobby I'd taken up in the month or so leading up to this). When meditating sober since, I can still sometimes achieve the same effect of feeling that the mind is completely separate from the body (which is something I strive for).

Besides that, I recall attempting to eat some food but it became apparent to me how mechanical a motion it is to eat and swallow something. It was like a hyper awareness of the food and where exactly it was in my mouth or throat as I swallowed and how I chewed and how my throat moves to swallow the food. Ultimately, I don't think I managed to eat very much. I recall lying on the bed and listening to some music, and it wasn't particularly enhanced but I did find the lyrics of a Fiona Apple song to be particularly profound in that moment, though when I showed them to my partner he didn't really seem to agree. As he was sober, he got hungry a lot sooner than I did so he decided to cook himself some food and I accompanied him to the kitchen. While sitting at the counter, I became very overwhelmed by all of the different sounds. The sound of onions sizzling in the pan seemed very loud and like it was coming from all directions, and when my partner was speaking to me or doing something else at the same time I couldn't easily focus on one sound. I recall my eyes flicking between the sources of the noise and thinking I definitely looked like somebody who was on drugs.

At some point I decided to take a shower and my partner thought I was capable enough of doing that myself, but actually I got very confused trying to get the right temperature and figuring out which was to turn the taps. My partner did say to me though that the taps were actually in an unintuitive design and explained why. While he was talking, I know I was looking at him with a lot of admiration and trust and I might have believed him if the things he said were actually nonsense. I felt like a little child being taught by an adult, someone you'd have no reason to doubt. I also felt a lot of love for him then, as though helping me to turn on the shower was an incredibly kind and altruistic act.

I did join him eating dinner and managed to eat a decent amount without finding it too unpleasant, and then eventually we went to bed. It did prevent me from sleeping until quite late in the night, and the unpleasant body heaviness was quite persistent throughout the entire duration.

I didn't really understand the appeal of such a drug, but I'm definitely open to trying a higher dose where maybe the mind effects will overpower the body effects.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115830
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 27, 2021Views: 656
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1P-LSD (682), Meditation (128) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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