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Pleasurable but Short Lasting
2-Methyl AP-237 & Diphenhydramine
Citation:   RIP MrWixa. "Pleasurable but Short Lasting: An Experience with 2-Methyl AP-237 & Diphenhydramine (exp115872)". Oct 28, 2021.

20 - 40 mg oral 2-Methyl AP-237 (pill / tablet)
  50 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
I ordered 20mg pellets because I wanted to try the substance and from what I have read online it seems to be very caustic so snorting it wasnt an option for me.

I have a little bit experience with opioids, and have taken Kratom, Tilidine, Tramadol and Oxycodone. At the point of the report, the only opioid I consumed in the last 2 months was Kratom, never exceeding 6g. My last Kratom dose was 4 days before the first report, so I only had a low tolerance.

First time I tried it I took 1 pill (20mg). I was a little nervous because it was the first RC Opioids I tried and RC Opioids have this scary image that they are all toxic and dangerous. Even though I have vomitted from opioids only once in my life, I took 50mg DPH (Diphenhydramine) with the 2map237. My girlfriend was in my room studying and I played League of Legends with a friend and I was generally in a good mood. I took the 2map237 and DPH and felt the effects come on quick (I had only drunk a coffee with milk this day). The effects peaked around 30min after ingestion. I played another 2 games with my friend and at the end of the second game the warm euphoric feeling was almost gone and I only felt a bit sedated for the next 2 hours. Overall the peak lasted for maximum 1h45min.

The next day I did 2 pills (40mg) again with 50mg DPH. I have to add that I smoked a small dose of Hexen (N-Ethylhexedrone) about 4h prior, other than some lingering stimulation I felt no other effects anymore. This time the 2map237 kicked in even faster, about 10min after ingestion the warm euphoric opioid feeling started and peaked after 30min, resulting in me almost nodding for about 10minutes. I didnt nod but if I had taken maybe 10mg more I would have nodded away. Not even 1h30min after ingestion I already felt the effects wearing off. I decided to try A-PHP for the first time and once I had the foil and everything prepared, the only effect I had was a comfortable warmth. Smoking the A-PHP was really good but thats not what this report is about.

My conclusion for this compound is, that it feels really good (like a normal opioid), but lasts really short. I can definetly see how people get addicted to this substance, as the fast peak and short duration make redosing more likely. So far 40mg was my highest dose so I can only talk for that, but I would say Oxycodone is much more pleasurable and even 4-5g Kratom or 200mg Tilidine are a better experience because their effects last way longer.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115872
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 28, 2021Views: 1,602
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2-Methyl AP-237 (900) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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