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Got Physically Addicted Without Knowing
Citation:   Mr. Degaldy. "Got Physically Addicted Without Knowing: An Experience with Flubromazolam (exp115875)". Oct 16, 2021.

0.25 mg oral Flubromazolam (daily)
[This report is a continuation of another one, A Unexpected Surprise In My Mailbox, submitted the same day.]

I used 0.25mg of flubromazolam for a couple months each day after work. It was mild to me I enjoyed it and did abuse it.

I ran out and was waiting for more to come in. On the 3rd day of no Flubs I had a seizure
On the 3rd day of no Flubs I had a seizure
, fell and hit my head, became unconscious and was revived by my stepdad who did CPR on me and saved my life. I didnt breathe for 4-5 mins they said, I woke up to a firefighter shaking me in the hallway, while my niece nephew,sister mom were around me. I was confused and they told me what happened. No one knew I had been taking those pills.

That was the day I quit all research chemicals completely... July 21 2015 was the day exactly. I havent used a single research chemical since then. And today is 2-16-19. Thinking of that day makes me emotional. I never expected something like that to happen because Flubromazolam's effects felt mild to me. I got body physically addicted without knowing, and felt fine on that 3rd day. I'm glad I got that wake up call, I met the love of my life online. We met in late 2015. She stayed and time went on I got my first car in 2016 then we had our first baby girl. And I end up having to go into OVERTIME at work.

Fast forward into june 2017. I lost my best friend who I met in 2010 to a car wreck. He was high on alcohol and LSD. Though Lsd never showed up on his toxicology report, he told me the night he died .he had taken double dripped LSD tabs. It was his first time doing it in 5 years since he lost the love of his life. I introduced them to each other at a rave in 2011. I am skeptical of what that was on his tabs. I assume some crazy research chemical. He too got addicted to the flubromazolams when I was doing them, he managed to quit them without getting a seizure, he was scared of what happened to me. I watched him go through horrible spice withdrawals in 2014, we had tried so many 2c drugs together, 4ac0dmt and he even extracted Dimethyltryptamine quite a bit. Which was a substance that changed my life in 2011 and made me quit research chemicals at that time... He was well experienced and I guess 5 years of not doing LSD after losing a loved one you once did it with isn't the best idea. I believe he was celebrating his completion of 4 years in college for Physics and Engineering. But that night something went wrong after he took that tab. My friend was BRILLIANT. And so nice, just overall one cool laid back dude with so much respect towards others...

[Erowid Note: Unconfirmed Death Report. This report of a death was submitted with no verifiable details, no contact information, and no way to confirm any element of it. Erowid is choosing to publish this report to invite public comment and to allow anyone who knows about this event to submit details which we can verify. Neither this report nor any report of a death should be considered reliable -- nor much weight given to it -- without details that can be verified through hospitals, police reports, family members, or news reports. If you have information about this or other deaths directly resulting from the use of any psychoactive substance we cover, please contact sage at]

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 115875
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 16, 2021Views: 2,081
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Flubromazolam (690) : Alone (16), Second Hand Report (42), Post Trip Problems (8), Addiction & Habituation (10), Health Problems (27)

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