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Glowing Work Ethic
Kratom & Caffeine
Citation:   shodontknow. "Glowing Work Ethic: An Experience with Kratom & Caffeine (exp115888)". Dec 7, 2021.

2 g oral Kratom  
  200 mg oral Caffeine (liquid)
A few days prior to this experience I decided to go to the store and buy some kratom to experiment with. The overall goal was hopefully to help get some study and homework done. In this context, I found it to be rather useful. It gives me a stronger energy boost than caffeine; however, it lacks the same levels of focus as caffeine. This substance could also be useful in new social situations because it pushes me to express myself and talk to others and be creative.

Nevertheless, I found kratom is best used at work. I work a rather physical job where I walk upwards of 8-9 miles a day.
I found kratom is best used at work. I work a rather physical job where I walk upwards of 8-9 miles a day.
This can be incredibly taxing so sometimes I need a pick me up to get me through the day. Generally, I will drink an energy drink, but that day I decided to couple my usual two grams of kratom with a 200 mg caffeine energy drink. It took about 10 minutes for the mixture to kick in, but when it hit I noticed an immediate change in myself. The initial change I noticed was how I walked faster. I seemed to buzz around the store trying to accomplish my tasks and get work done as fast as I could.

Another big change that I noticed was how talkative I was. A big part of my job is talking to customers to help them find the products they need. These are typically very surface level conversations, but with my new boost in energy I probably secured myself a few good yelp reviews lol.

The combination felt most like a high dosage of ritalin. The peak only lasted about 45 minutes but I still felt highly energized for the rest of the day. After work when I walked through the front door I was even singing. This is definitely something that I would do again.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115888
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 7, 2021Views: 705
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Kratom (203), Caffeine (11) : Glowing Experiences (4), Performance Enhancement (50), Combinations (3), Workplace (51)

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