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ADHD Overdrive
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   Iriodus. "ADHD Overdrive: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp115899)". Dec 3, 2021.

T+ 0:00
28 g oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (dried)
  T+ 1:05   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 5:15   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 9:05   smoked Cannabis  
Woke up early this morning (Wednesday) and decided to finally give the San Pedro powder a try. For context on myself for things that may have affected the trip: What my usual routine is like is that I Intermittent Fast Thursday to Tuesday and on Wednesday I don’t eat at all, since I also don’t workout on that day it’s a full on rest day for me, so I was at least 16 hours fasted by the time I consumed the powder. Additionally, my diet is Keto for the energy levels, clearer head, seems to help with my ADHD a bit, and anti-inflammatory properties. I also don't take any medications of any kind. My mother and brother know of my psychedelic use and are pretty cool/supportive about it as it has had positive effects on my life.

10:00am: Started prepping the powder to be blending with some powdered Stevia to help offset the taste a bit, tasted it on its own first and it wasn’t as horrible as others had made it seem, but still bad tasting. Started slowly consuming the mixture, was bearable, but got it down with no real issues.

10:25am: Finished the above and expected that it would be at least 2 hours before I’d start to see things kick in, so I went about getting things like water, my bed, clothes for when I want to leave the house later ready, etc, and then letting my friends know what I was doing (My friends are cool like that).

Around 11:55am: I noticed in my mirror that the pupil dilation I had come to expect from shrooms and LSD was starting, but nothing obviously visual yet. Within about 10-20 minutes of that point is when it started to hit me hard, so after wrapping up what I was doing at the time I decided to meditate and then lie down on my futon with the music I use to meditate and just let myself adapt to how the San Pedro makes me feel and get my bearings (what I do for all my trips). Visuals lying down with my eyes closed certainly weren’t as strong as with shrooms or LSD, but were rather pleasant.

Around 1pm: With shrooms and LSD I find I have a downtime where I adapt and get my bearings with the dose I’ve taken, and I find with San Pedro I reached that point much quicker than either shrooms or LSD. I decided I needed to leave the house and go down to the river nearby, and it took me nearly a half hour to get ready. I felt pretty sluggish at this point, so it took me a bit to get going. Decided that since, aside from the sluggishness I was feeling good, to have some weed, and it interacted well with the San Pedro for me and helped offset the sluggishness a bit for me and to motivate me (as well as alleviating the slight uneasy feeling in my upper chest).

1:30pm: I finally left the house and started my walk around the neighbourhood I live in, through an area with a lot of trees and other plants, and while the visuals had now started to kick in? It didn’t feel quite like the sensory overload that was my experience with LSD, and every little detail on my walk just felt more...beautiful than my usual walks through here and I appreciated things a bit more. I eventually made my way to the spot I wanted to see, felt satisfied that I had reached my goal and unlike normal or while I have had LSD I didn’t feel the need to take things further, so I decided to take the back way home.

My observations about my behaviour and how the San Pedro was affecting me at this point: For context, while I do feel all kinds of emotions I don’t consider myself particularly emotive; however, all the emotions I typically would feel over the day past this point were all heightened
while I do feel all kinds of emotions I don’t consider myself particularly emotive; however, all the emotions I typically would feel over the day past this point were all heightened
. Additionally, visually I was unable to focus on any specific detail for more than a second or two and was constantly finding the need to change what I was looking at, and mentally I was in a similar state where I was unable to focus on any particular thought for very long, and both visually and mentally? If I attempted to focus on a specific detail or thought it took a lot of mental effort to focus on anything.

I also normally try to ignore everyone I walk by when I am out on a walk, so that if they attempt to get my attention I can just keep going as if I didn’t see that they were trying to do so. In an out of character moment someone had asked me to use my phone, which I promptly disinfected to be safe when home because Covid, and I’m glad that San Pedro made me more open and comfortable than usual as they looked like they were having a bad time and know I would have likely felt bad ignoring them otherwise.

Not long after I had made my way home, my shin was bothering me and decided to pace myself before going for another walk, but if I were on LSD I know I would have kept going.

Around 3:30pm: Is when I decided to settle in for awhile, listen to some YouTube videos that I would classify as more inspirational content, and also attempt to write out more details of what I had experienced up to that point and because it was hard to focus on any one thing it took some time to do. I did take a break in the middle of my earlier walk as well, but there was enough sensory information at the time that I was only able to write so much.

Around 4pm: My mom had got home, let her know I was ok and that the San Pedro was affecting me in a good way, had a bit more of a conversation than I usually would as I typically keep to myself, eventually my brother had got home, and also was more conversational than is usual.

Around 5:10pm: Decided to go for another walk, opening it with some more Sativa, was a decidedly shorter walk, just basically down to the store to stock up on a few things, and like on a lot of my trips I tend to either break my fast (if it’s Wednesday) or eat a bit more than usual if it’s on a different day of the week. I had noticed that things started to slightly taper down as far as the peak goes.

Around 6:30pm: I was in a state now where focusing on things started to become easier, got my food ready, basically just dug in for the rest of the night and started to clear my YouTube backlog, make more observations about how I was feeling.

Around 9pm: Took my last joint of Sativa to see if it would extend things a bit longer, which it did to an extent, but it seemed to

Overall: I’d say it was a good trip, I didn’t end up going to bed until 5am, as I work graveyards on my workdays, and I just felt rather chill mentally and physically for the rest of my night after the above timestamp. Emotions just felt stronger and more “real” to me than my everyday. Did have a desire to just be near people; however, the pandemic kinda makes that hard. Was very hard to keep still, in addition to the aforementioned issues with focus, and physically I kinda felt...floaty in my upper body. Breathing felt clearer than usual and easier to keep consistent during a walk than usual. Was a rainy and overcast day and I strongly felt during and after like the tone of the trip would shift a lot depending on what the weather is like. I had a slight uneasy feeling at the start of the trip but had absolutely no nausea.

Compared to LSD, it feels less like the whole “childlike wonder” thing that LSD has going on for me, but more just taking in things in a slower manner to appreciate them more. Doesn’t quite have the same manic “I need to go out and do X” energy as LSD, there is certainly still a desire to go out and do things, but once I’ve done what I set out to do? I’m satisfied and don’t feel the need to do more (until I’ve rested and feel the need to do something else).

Compared to Shrooms: Basically nothing can break my chill mood on San Pedro it seems, the type of music I listen to during kinda can change my mood in a marginal way, but then I shift back to the chill and almost melancholy feeling almost immediately after the song changes. When on shrooms I find that I’m basically down until the peak starts to end and that my mind is really alert, but I almost feel as if with how “tired” San Pedro made me feel that I could almost sleep on it...almost.

Guess the main thing I got from the experience is that I need to be a bit more open with people in general, that I shouldn’t just strictly ignore people when I am out and about, that if I reach whatever my current goal or goals are for any given day I need to be content with what I have accomplished and not try to do more out of a sense of being productive or seeking more novelty.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115899
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Dec 3, 2021Views: 1,158
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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