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Evening of Semi-Depressants
Ketamine, Alcohol, Lorazepam & Ondansetron
Citation:   claire. "Evening of Semi-Depressants: An Experience with Ketamine, Alcohol, Lorazepam & Ondansetron (exp115975)". Jan 15, 2022.

T+ 0:00
2 mg oral Pharms - Lorazepam  
  T+ 0:00 4 mg oral Ondansetron  
  T+ 2:00 100 ml oral Ketamine (liquid)
  T+ 2:00 63 ml oral Alcohol (liquid)
  T+ 3:00 75 ml oral Ketamine (liquid)
  T+ 3:00   oral Ginger (tea)
  T+ 3:55 50 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone  
Trip Report

100mg ketamine, then 75mg more ketamine dissolved into liquid
300ml 21% alcohol (63ml of pure alcohol) like 2 drinks
6mg lorazepam dosed -6h -2h before 10 PM
4mg ondansetron (anti-nausea) -2h before 10PM

10:00 PM

Making my setup notes for a quick trip report. Definitely noticing a heavier headspace. Have some low-key plans for this evening I’m looking forward to. Hands and body feeling pretty warm.

10:04 PM

Just took the last of the alcohol & ketamine mix. Some tropical flavored coconut alcohol, and turns out ketamine doesn’t really mix with alcohol, so I put in a diet root beer (diet A&W for you americans) to make it mix. Going to scrape the bottle then hop in bed. Need to pee

10:06 PM

Peeing, no nausea, hoping I don’t have to redose ondansetron. Pee feels kinda weird, like it’s a slightly warmer fountain (am a male)

10:09 PM

It’s like an intense drunkenness that feels less threatening than ketamine. I don’t want to k-hole (feel like I did that a few days ago and had an agreement with god I wouldn’t die any time soon) so that’s why it’s a relatively low dose.
I don’t want to k-hole (feel like I did that a few days ago and had an agreement with god I wouldn’t die any time soon) so that’s why it’s a relatively low dose.
My girlfriend also wants to do a puzzle, so I’ll update when/how that goes. The headspace is good. Not really worried about the stuff on my to-do list, short and long term, but it’s still there. Visually a little bit disconnected (as in my fingers, keyboard, and eyes aren’t accurately portraying information) but I can still type.

10:12 PM

The app I use to record my trip requires a password, so hopefully that doesn’t get in the way. I shut my eyes and experienced a, kind of, suggested visual of a loading screen (I’m blaming the ketamine) and I genuinely believe its effects/mood/state are loading up in how they are affecting me. Throughout all of this, my visual acuity has been decreasing. Waiting on my girlfriend to text me back to see what she wants to do (it’s her day today!)

10:14 PM

Definitely feeling the body high when I shut my eyes. It courses throughout my arms and doesn’t necessarily feel good but more feels slightly warm and just present, even though those limbs are still. Definitely heavy-headed like I was at 10, doesn’t seem to be getting worse.

10:18 PM

I feel a need to touch myself, not in a sexual way, but just to feel my body and roll my thumbs. It’s an interesting feeling, like a new permanent comforting texture. Eyes are definitely laggy, physically I’m sedated but I am in no mood to fall asleep. The urge to compulsively redose of every or one substance is there, whether it be alcohol, lorazepam, or ketamine. I’m holding off for now and am still conscious.

10:22 PM

The body high also does come with imagery of my body in its high, if that makes sense. I saw the nausea as a small bird saying ‘it’s okay!’ it’s not time to eat anyways. Which was very comforting.

10:33 PM

Was in a very interesting discord call as the ket started to set in. Tier-listing random stuff, as people do in high school when bored, and just chilling. I told them I’d be right back because I’m checking in here to say I’m feeling a tiny bit more head-heavy, slightly hungry, a bit more trippy, a bit nauseous (but not bad) and just like ok. Yeah this is a trip

10:44 PM

Not too much difference. Defined visuals are a little more fuzzy and social activities feel a bit more violent, and the nausea is a bit more violent too. Overall though, it feels ok, and I might take another lorazepam to calm it soon.

The urge to compulsively redose for ketamine is especially there
The urge to compulsively redose for ketamine is especially there
, except I know I’d be up late. I might take more, as 2 AM is ok, but like I have life tomorrow so official decision - I won’t. Ketamine does seem to lower my sensory overload tolerance, good to note.

10:54 PM
Redosed like ~75mg ketamine. Feeling pretty lucid but maybe it’s my mind playing tricks on me. I’m a young male with a fast metabolism, so the ketamine could have already gone through pretty quickly. I feel ok going up and down the stairs right now and am making some ginger tea. No nausea yet but I’m low on anti nausea medication so always good to prefer tea.

10:56 PM
My wonderful girlfriend just reached out and asked if I wanted to have a private call instead of public discord. She could tell there was a lot going on in a 6-person call with me, even though I was acting normal and still speaking. Looking forward to talking to her in 5 or 10. Having some difficulty typing, and tea is ready.

11:01 PM
Burnt myself on some hot tea because there is still a slight drunken stupor in my step. Not sure what it’s from. Visuals getting a bit trippy and grip on reality? Is questionable. The pain sensation from the burn is interesting- it seems to come and go- and I know it won’t leave for a while so it will be interesting to see how it manifests.

11:04 PM
Retrospectively I have been in a good headspace. Need to pee, ketamine is weird with that

11:30 PM
Everything trippy will hopefully fade before bed, but now, trip.

11:55 PM
After semi-violently spilling hot tea onto my knee, causing a small amount of bleeding which was scary and even scarier considering I couldn’t read the text on my phone. I got in bed with the help of my girlfriend over facetime. Apparently Iooked pretty lucid, but at that point it felt like I was 10 drinks in with a small amount of ketamine, not 2 drinks and 175mg oral. I took 50mg trazodone to fall asleep and had a few good, this is the end of the trip, lucid moments before falling asleep.

Slept like a baby, moderately shitty nausea hangover but better than an alcohol one and body doing good. Can’t remember much.

Overall, combining
2 drinks alcohol
Some lorazepam
175mg ketamine
Ondansetron (nausea)

Moderate-low physical euphoria
Moderate mental euphoria
High but vulnerable emotional state
Relaxed but not without some anxiety
And last of all definitely not good for the body

6/10 not fine tuned, could be a 7.5

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115975
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 15, 2022Views: 675
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Alcohol (61), Ketamine (31), Pharms - Lorazepam (79) : Alone (16), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3)

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