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A Very Pleasant Evening
Escaline, DImenhydrinate & Nicotine
Citation:   Dextro. "A Very Pleasant Evening: An Experience with Escaline, DImenhydrinate & Nicotine (exp115986)". Jan 13, 2022.

T+ 0:00
60 mg oral Escaline (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 2 tablets oral Dimenhydrinate  
  T+ 4:00   vaporized Nicotine  
I dumped about 60mg of Escaline powder into a root beer and had 2 Gravol to manage the nausea. When I got to the last little bit of root beer it tasted a little funny but not too bitter.

I noticed the lamp breathing very slightly. Other than that there was a slight heaviness to my arms. There was a bit of nausea but it wasn't much at all.

This is when the nausea peaked, it wasn't as bad as I've experienced with LSD but it was quite noticeable. The lights on the Christmas tree were shimmering quite brighter than before.

Listening to music felt like I was orgasming out of my ears, +++
There were decent tracers, after-images, and slight CEV. There was an MDMA-like component of strong euphoria and at one point I had the intense urge to make-out with the back of my hand.
There was an MDMA-like component of strong euphoria and at one point I had the intense urge to make-out with the back of my hand.
Touching pillows was very enjoyable.

We had steak for dinner, I always have mine medium-rare and it felt incredible in my mouth (no pun intended). I had a heap of broccoli, and the lights were very bright in a pleasant way.

Visuals peaked at this point with intense tracers, after-images, geometry (kind-of flowing) and good CEV for someone with aphantasia. Lots of tactile euphoria and tingling, the nicotine from the vape boosted the relaxation.

Beginning to come down, visuals are tapering off at this point. Still a sense of relaxation and physical euphoria, the fabric on the lamp felt very nice.

Most effects have worn off at this point, no CEV or OEV, but still relaxed a slightly euphoric.

At this point all noticeable effects had worn off, I went to bed.

Closing and final remarks
That night I had a very good sleep, and woke up feeling great. This was a very odd substance, it had geometric and flowing visuals, and an MDMA-like component of pleasure and euphoria.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115986
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 13, 2022Views: 654
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Escaline (551) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3), General (1)

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