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Incredible Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Cannabis - High CBD
by cdin
Citation:   cdin. "Incredible Anti-Inflammatory Properties: An Experience with Cannabis - High CBD (exp116062)". Jan 29, 2022.

3 g oral Cannabis - High CBD (extract)
This experience caught me completely off guard, and I submit it here because even after using cannabis for 20 some odd years, I am still surprised when I become aware of new uses.

Background: I am a recovering burn survivor (4 years ago, 3rd degree to left hand, 2nd on right, hospitalized for 2 mos, litigation over my home, cPTSD etc. Etc.) - I have spent the pandemic systemically detoxing myself off all the medication I was put on for the burns - benzos, baclofen, opioids, kratom (my doing), hydroxizine, propranolol, terazosin - the last one coming out has been opioids. I am currently about 5 days out from my last 5mg dose of oxycodone. I feel good, but antsy - so I've been trying to stay on top of exercise.

Maybe this is just me, but any time I am quitting opioids, I get the absolute worst muscle problems. Spasms, tears. It's like they're made out of damn rice paper. It's a given that during a kick I will sustain a major injury, and this time was no different. I walked up a large hill near my home, didn't feel satisfied at the top so I started doing some squats. At 37. I do them normally, but today the stabilizer tendons that run to the meniscus and keep the knee ball in place were not having it. Walking down the hill, they just gave out completely and I had to limp back to my house.

Once there, I found some pretty bad news. Both sides swollen up about an inch off my leg. Extreme pain. Knowing myself, this seemed like it would take me out of walking for 3 weeks or more. I was pissed, sad, and in pain. So I called a friend.

"wait a minute. Dont you have that liter of CBD??" she inquired. "yep, sitting on the shelf, why??"

"overdose on it." "what?" she responded: "yeah. It's been the only thing that has saved me in inflammatory crisis" (she has a lupus type condition that requires maintenance).

So I went for it. This is Full Spectrum Cannabis (CBD) Extract, 89% CBD, 3% or less THC and rest other natural noids from a hemp farm in Kentucky I ordered to get more noids into my roomie w cancer. (there was a liter, more than enough for everyone) --- I didn't realize at the time of dosing that the 3 grams of CBD I ate likely contained 60 - 90mg of d9 THC.

Things got extremely weird in the shamanic/cannabinoid kind of way. But there were marked differences - the extreme body high was mitigated and a very cool, nearly opioid like relaxed state prevailed, with plenty of goofiness and stupidity. I stayed up late telling stories to my roommate who had also partaken. It was very psychedelic and fun, but not overwhelming or unpleasant as other large dose oral THC experiences can be.

That was great, but the really great thing was the next day. I woke up, stabilizer tendons 85% back to normal. 3 days later I was able to bike, do a kung-fu class and generally go about my business.

I had always heard CBD had anti-inflammatory properties, but an overdose is like a damn full body cortisol shot. 10/10 will be doing again. Only negative side was getting that much dense oil into my guts is... Well. You know when to stop because your ass lets you know I'll just say that.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116062
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 37
Published: Jan 29, 2022Views: 727
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Cannabis - High CBD (597) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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