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Have Spent Time Becoming Accustomed to It
Citation:   InternalExplorer. "Have Spent Time Becoming Accustomed to It: An Experience with 2C-B (exp116132)". Mar 1, 2022.

12 - 30 mg oral 2C-B
A Brief Summary of Effects

Background: Having been struggling with interpersonal issues I was luckily given the opportunity to pursue some self-help therapy as I'm off work on pay, but not due to sickness. I thought I would utilise this time most effectively if I really challenged myself to get to grips with the problems at the core of my being so researched in detail how I would be influenced by certain substances and which had the most potential. I have found social anxiety a problem and it can be quite life limiting, restricting my activities to the most banal and necessary of functions such as work and shopping. This is perfectly fine as far as just functioning goes but feeling held back in life and like I cannot fulfill my maximum potential is self defeating, painfully difficult to think about and can leave me feeling defunct, broken and in some way different to everyone. Certain substances have in the past helped, unlocking the potential to feel at one with others, the world and given a sense of belonging.

I've had challenging experiences too, such as a bad trip whilst too naive to the conditions psychedelics can induce when I was 16 years old but whilst I appreciate my unpreparedness had caused this, I spent many years with a chip on my shoulder and a feeling of persecution as a consequence.

Years on and I feel fully capable of coping with the problems I could encounter and have recently experimented with LSD, Mushrooms (which I have a real fondness for and am keen to experience more) and 2C-B. I've read and digested Shulgins descriptions and notes on 2C-B and have spent a significant amount of time becoming accustomed to it, the first time I tried it I became really fond of it for its effects.

I could talk to people more openly, people were drawn to talking to me and I felt comfortable in situations with people, honesty and openess just exuded from me. Shulgin said that this drug was his personal favourite and I can see why, whilst many psychotherapists have discredited it as a tool for therapy I feel it has massive potential. My admiration for this drug gave me the courage to use it like a pre-social tonic over the past couple of months.
My admiration for this drug gave me the courage to use it like a pre-social tonic over the past couple of months.

Whilst the first experience was whilst out and about socialising and was magnificent, using this whilst at home and alone can be a challenge. It causes my body to get cold when sitting still and a feeling a claustrophobia was there, possibly potentiated due to the fact that I am off work and at home a lot. This also manifested itself whilst on a mild 15mg dose at a female friends house, I felt shifts in perspective and an uncomfortable coldness, like my visual field was being distorted and I was shaking uncontrollably. A bit of background to my friend is necessary to get the whole picture, whilst I admire her spirit and determination she employs tactics that are best described as falseness. She likes to keep certain things to herself and I may well of felt a sense of negativity with her due to this, whilst at the same time feeling chatty, hospitable and really quite empathetic. It can be a bit of a two headed beast this interesting molecule, giving some very tangible benefits but also requiring a lot of inner strength to keep a grip on oneself.

The one side effect I have really found uncomfortable is an unusual fear of the supernatural, something I never really felt at any other point other than my bad LSD trip in my youth. This is something that has lingered on quite a while after, its not always present but its definitely there.

It doesn't seem to cause many difficulty in day to day life but its not a comfortable feeling, its often stated how wonderful 2C-B can be and I have to agree, but I dont think its reputation as a light psychedelic with little to no adverse consequences is totally justified. I had a recent small dose followed by a small amount of high quality weed which sent me on a rollercoaster of insight, with many dark twist and turns. I am grateful for this experience, its was biographical and insightful to a degree but also emphasised the deep and heavy burden our devious actions place on the outer consciousness, whether you consider that to be god, the universe or all of us.

I'm still wary as to the consequences I have had on myself in the future. That eery feeling when sat in the dark and trying to get to sleep, with variances in darkness and light feeling spooky and menacing is not something I would like to linger on, I'm embarassed to admit that as a rational grown up man I can feel like this.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116132
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Mar 1, 2022Views: 562
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2C-B (52) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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