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Wish I Had Tried It Sooner
by Levi
Citation:   Levi. "Wish I Had Tried It Sooner: An Experience with Kratom (exp116205)". May 8, 2023.

2 g oral Kratom (capsule)
I was on Suboxone for many years after years of opiate use for chronic back pain my addiction lead to heroin addiction for several years . I decided to go on Suboxone and after several years my dr weaned me off. It was terrible. Couldn’t sleep, work or enjoy my life anymore. I felt like my body never really bounced back even after six months my energy levels were tanked I felt drained mentally physically hurt all over my body and just had no energy at all . I also had feelings of depression possibly related to all of the above, and at times I felt as if life wasn’t worth living, and death could be better than living every day feeling this way.

That all changed recently I became interested in kratom. I decided to try some and I’m not kidding but it felt like somebody had turned off my black-and-white TV and turned on a color TV that’s the effects that I got from it unbelievable almost but the day I tried it I had a very bad headache along with intense low back Pain. And after taking approximately four capsules which is equal to about 2 g my pain was nearly gone. I also have energy to do things that I haven’t felt in a long time like going to the gym and spending time with my family.
I also have energy to do things that I haven’t felt in a long time like going to the gym and spending time with my family.
I have been doing as much research and gathering as much information as I can and I understand the addiction potential is there so I am trying to keep use down to a minimum. Also I’ve gotten more restful sleep than I have in a long time. I do understand this is like an opioid, any affects can be similar to an opiate pain medication but the quality of life I have right now is so much better. I just wanted to share my experience. Maybe kratom will keep others from going through all the discomfort that I went through.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116205
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 8, 2023Views: 509
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Not Applicable (38)

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