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Not for Recreational Use in Any Way
Citation:   Friend from Colorado. "Not for Recreational Use in Any Way: An Experience with Haloperidol (exp116293)". Apr 27, 2022.

T+ 0:00
12 - 15 mg oral Pharms - Haloperidol
  T+ 8:00 10 - 12 mg oral Pharms - Haloperidol
  T+ 0:00   repeated vaporized Cannabis
  T+ 0:00   oral Diphenhydramine
Haloperidol (DO NOT TAKE) Haldol

Do not take this at all!! This an anti psychotic medication and is not for recreational use in any way. The warning say it may cause drowsiness or muscle relaxation, but if either are true they are short-lived and negligible, unlike the powerful "Parkinson's-like symptoms" I am currently fighting now.

I took the first dose of around 12-15mg late saturday night. And after a deep feeling of unsettled-ness or restlessness the next morning I stupidly took more thinking it would help even temporarily. Around another 10-12mg. I immediately knew this was a mistake as my muscles started shaking rather violently in certain areas of my body. Mainly my legs at the time. I was able to drive to the store and pickup some stuff to try and help me out though.

I basically just dabbed myself through the next 24 hours with marijuana. Waking up on Monday was ok but severe muscle spasms set in and grew more severe throughout the day. At the time of writing this it has been at least 38 hours since the last dose of the haloperidol. The spasms have moved to my neck and are very severe forcing me to fight against the constant turning of my head left or right. Fighting it sends huge waves of spasms down my back and into my legs or into my mouth or tongue.

Benadryl seems to counteract the effects slightly
Benadryl seems to counteract the effects slightly
, but I don't have enough to keep dosing for the remainder of these symptoms. I read the half life of this is quite long, up to three days, so I don't know how long these symptoms will last, point being, DO NOT TAKE THIS for fun, it is truly evil.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116293
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Apr 27, 2022Views: 936
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Pharms - Haloperidol (308) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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