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Something Else to Cheer Me Up
Citation:   Swede. "Something Else to Cheer Me Up: An Experience with Caffeine (exp11640)". Sep 11, 2020.

300 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  150 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)

It was a friday evening last summer and I was really bored. Both my parents and my girlfriend were out of town, and most of my friends were also somewhere else. I had heard a rumour about a lot of people who were going to get drunk at a place by the water later that night, so I decided to go there too. Since I don't like alcohol I decided to take something else to cheer me up. I looked around my house and finally decided to pop a number of caffeine pills (I have virtually zero tolerance to caffeine). I just wanted to get a bit speedy, I wasn't trying to get all messed up. So I ate a small dinner and took three pills (300 mg total). I tidied up my room a bit and then left with a bottle of Sprite in my backpack.

When I arrived at the outdoor party there were a few people I hardly knew there. I sat down, popped another pill and a half and looked at a beautiful sunset. At this point I felt a slight tightening in my head, possibly placebo. Time passed by and more people arrived, a few of which I knew. Some sort of energy built up inside me, and I started to bounce around and talk pretty fast. I gave a few pills, probably 175 mg, to a girl I know because she said she was sleepy. Another friend of mine (call him D), who was pretty drunk, wanted some pills really bad too, so I gave him about 250 mgs.

I talked to a lot more people, bounced around some more, and suddenly D came up to me and exclaimed that he loved me. He started hugging me and the guy I was talking to, while saying that we were his best friends. It was really fun to watch, like he was on a really messed up kind of XTC or something. He wanted another 250 mg, but I didn't really want to give it to him, since I had a bad feeling about combining a lot of caffeine and alcohol. But I finally gave in to his nagging and gave him 300 mg.

A few minutes later I ran home to get some more Sprite. When I was on my way back a thought struck me. 'D's going to feel REALLY ill by the time I return.' As I approached the spot I saw him sitting on a rock, clutching his head. I asked if he needed help, but he told me to go away, so I did. I talked to some more people, occasionally checking up on D. After about an hour he felt a little better, and a girl who had been really nice to everyone all evening took him for a walk. D felt a lot better after that.

Someone started talking about a fight somewhere, and a few people took off. A few others arrived, and suddenly I got very paranoid. I thought they hated me and probably would like to beat me up. So I asked a few people about the fight and went there instead. When I got there D was there too, but nobody was fighting. We stood around some, and then a police car came by. We told the cops that we were nice guys not doing anything illegal, and they took our word for it and left.

All of us were pretty tired by then, and people started to leave. I went home with D, who slept on my couch. The next day he didn't feel very hung over, which is weird considering the amount of alcohol and caffeine he had consumed. This might have had some relation to the fact that we shared about two litres of green tea prior to going to bed.

For me, it was a pretty good experience. I learned a bit more about my reaction to caffeine, which is remarkably similar to my reaction to alcohol - a small dose is good, and a huge dose is very good, but anything in between is very bad. I become sad and paranoid, get a strong feeling of hopelessness, get stuck in bad thought loops et cetera.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11640
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 11, 2020Views: 1,036
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Caffeine (11) : Large Party (54), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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