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Different Than I Expected
Blue Lotus
Citation:   Madha. "Different Than I Expected: An Experience with Blue Lotus (exp116424)". Aug 6, 2022.

  smoked Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (dried)
I had heard about the effects of N. caerulea and was interested in the veracity of its claimed effects. I wa able to purchase a 2 oz bag of dried Nymphaea flowers and ground the dried petals and stamen in a cannabis grinder to make them easier to smoke. In total I ground 2 grams of flower.

The ground flower was backed into a glass bowl pipe and lit. Of note was a very strong herbal scent of the Lotus smoke, smelling strongly of a scent reminiscent of chamomile or tea. The smoke of the flower was quite harsh, with a strong acrid taste with floral, herbal undertones. The smoke was harsh enough to burn a bit upon contact with the airway. However, l did not have any urge to cough while smoking.

After about 3-5 minutes, the effects of the lotus became noticable. The first noticable effect was a sense of lightheadedness and a feeling of noticable calmness. The feelings continued to grow, as my vision seemed to become enhanced, with noticably brighter and saturated color to my surroundings and a very drowsy, heavy head feeling.

Around the 30 minute mark, the aphrodisiac effects became noticable. l started to feel sexually aroused and with a strong desire to engage in sexual activity. The effects peaked after approximately 1 hour, upon which the visual distortion became very apparent, and mild hallucinations set in. The sexual arousal was very strong at this one hour mark, as was the sense of calmness. I began to feel a shift in disposition, changing from my usual introverted self to feeling quite social and gregarious.

The effects of the lotus lasted about 4 hours in total. The entire experience was quite pleasant, and cemented N. caerulea as a regular inclusion in my recreational smoking routine.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116424
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Aug 6, 2022Views: 1,618
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Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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