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Somewhere Between Lackluster and Luster
Citation:   Tapesock . "Somewhere Between Lackluster and Luster: An Experience with 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (exp116445)". Sep 30, 2022.

T+ 0:00
15 mg insufflated 4-Fluoromethylphenidate  
  T+ 0:49 7.5 mg insufflated 4-Fluoromethylphenidate  
  T+ 0:49 200 ug oral Clonazolam  
  T+ 1:36 15 mg insufflated 4-Fluoromethylphenidate  
  T+ 1:38 50 mg insufflated Sceletium tortuosum (extract)
  T+ 0:00 7.5 mg insufflated 4-Fluoromethylphenidate  
  T+ 3:49   oral Vitamins / Supplements  
  T+ 3:49 30 mg oral Pharms - Mirtazapine  
  T+ 0:00 40 mg oral Pharms - Buspirone (daily)

I've been an avid drug user for 4 years, and have done somewhere around 30 different substances. Out of all the different types of drugs I’ve used, stimulants have been used the least often. Keep this in mind, as my relatively low experience with this class of drugs may affect my experiences. I also want to add that I’m am currently on 40mg buspirone a day, and while I can’t be certain, I’m pretty sure this didn’t affect my experiences at all.

This is my 2nd time trying this substance. The first time I tried it it went rather, well, badly. Not because of circumstance or anything, I just didn’t have an enjoyable experience. I first dosed 7.5mg orally, felt no euphoria, dirty and lack luster stimulation, no motivation, and lots of anxiety. I continued to redose which just amplified these effects. Eventually, at 30mg+ I did feel a little euphoria, but it wasn’t worth it, as it came with lots of anxiety.

I’ve decided to give it another shot, this time insufflated. I was hesitant to try it at first, considering my previous experience, but I have more than a gram of this stuff so I might as well try and enjoy it. It’s around 9 pm on a work night, so as you can imagine this might be a stupid idea. Too late now though, so wish me the best.

I’m currently in an anxious mind set, considering my previous experience. However, I have decided that if it is unpleasant again, I will just let go and sit through it, which eases my anxiety a little. I’m also currently sitting in my room.

T+0:00 (8:54 PM) - Insufflated 15 mg. Nose feels stuffy. Didn’t hurt, didn’t really feel anything, except maybe some irritation.

T+0:03 - Nose feels very irritated now, very stuffy, right eye (the same side of the nostril I used) is watery. I am also sneezing.

T+0:08 - Nose feels better, still clogged though.

T+0:15 - Feeling kind of calm and good. Think I’m feeling the come-up.

T+0:35 - So I am definitely feeling it, and you know, it’s not too bad. I’m enjoying writing this report and have an urge to socialize. Stimulation is there, albeit mild. I am feeling pretty decent, but its more of a mood lift than it is “euphoria” (which is what I’m looking for). There is a little bit of anxiety, but it’s totally manageable. So far this is experience is far better than my previous one.

I also haven’t experienced a drip, at least not that I know of, which surprised me.

T+0:42 - So I guess I spoke too soon. I am now feeling the waves of anxiety I felt during my last experience. Overall, I’m still feeling better than my previous experience, but the anxiety is still unpleasant.

I am going to take a very low dose of clonazolam to counteract this anxiety and redose another 7.5mg of the 4f-mph.

T+0:49 - Insufflated another 7.5mg, and took around 200ug of clonazolam. This time the snorting definitely burned, which may have been because I used my left nostril, which has been untouched today.

T+0:53 - While I usually like keep this subject out of discussion (lol) my libido has not changed. In fact, it may have dropped. I've heard many stories of people getting wayyyy too horny on stims, going on 12 hour fap sessions, pulling all nighters just to watch porn, etc. But I have never felt this way myself. I thought that maybe this was just because I had never really tried watching porn on stims, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. Stims just don’t make me horny for some reason.

Another note, my thinking feels dulled. It’s harder to do simple math or remember words. I’d expect the opposite on this drug.

T+1:07 - Wow, I am feeling really good! Definitely some moderate euphoria. The clonazolam destroyed any anxiety, I’m glad I took it. This is so much better than the last time I took this drug. It feels like how a high quality stimulant should.

T+1:26 - Oddly the euphoria already seems to be fading. Considering redosing. Also gonna take some kanna.

T+1:36 - Insufflated another 7.5mg 4f-mph

T+1:38 - Insufflated 50mg kanna extract

T+1:43 - (5 mins after kanna) - Already feeling kind of clear headed. Feel slightly more sober than before. Didn’t feel the anxiety inducing rush I usually get on kanna. Throat hurts though, I believe from the drip/particles from both the 4f-mph and kanna going through the nose to the back of the tongue.

T+1:46 - Wow, definitely a bit of euphoric rush. Nothing crazy but it is similar to a stronger stim, such as cocaine. In fact I heard this combo (kanna and 4f-mph) is reminiscent of cocaine, both effect and pharmacologically wise. I'm not very knowledgeable about pharmacology, but the reddit post I saw making this claim did seem to kind of make sense, I guess.

I do feel kind of out of it, it’s hard to describe. Like my mind isn’t quite latching on to everything like it usually is, it’s kind of sitting in the background. Weird, but not unpleasant.

T+2:00 - Things are getting pretty intense now. I feel like I need to constantly move my mouth and tongue around, which is getting pretty annoying, but thankfully I have gum. Mind is kind of in shambles, and I’m not sure if the kanna really changed anything, other than during the initial rush. Overall I am still enjoying myself however.

Weirdly relaxed and super stimmed at the same time. Like I have a sight urge to close my eyes. Strange feeling.

Feeling a bit of a body high now. Body feels light and moving feels really nice.

T+2:06 - Looking at pretty girls on social media, I’m feeling more of an emotional sort of feeling than a sexual feeling. Kind of Similar to how I feel on MDMA, where I don’t get horny, but I feel the need to love and be loved.

I Don’t want to move despite being stimulated which feels odd.

T+2:30 - So I jerked off, cause why not. NOW I can kind of see the porn appeal of stims. While watching it, it’s like something flipped, and bam, watching it was suddenly amazing.

Jerking off was difficult however. My dick was annoyingly flaccid and would not get hard! Eventually it got half way, and I stood there jerking it furiously with the other hand on the base to hold the blood flow for 15 minutes. By the end I was covered in sweat. The orgasm did feel great though, very unique. And yeah, I know this is definitely TMI, but hey, best to be as accurate as you can, right?

T+?? - At some point I lost track of time. I redosed another 7.5 mg. Starting to feel the effects weening off. Feeling shitty feelings already, which surprised me. Thought I wouldn’t feel the comedown for at-least another hour or so. This is my last line of the night.

T+3:49 - Effects wearing off, euphoria back after redose though. Preparing for bed - forcing myself to eat (which actually isn’t too hard). I also took vitamins, drank a bunch of water, and took sleeping pills (mirtazapine).

I was able to sleep after a dose of around 30mg mirtazapine with relative ease. I managed to get 8 hours of sleep, but woke up the next day with a splitting headache along with feelings of depression and lethargy. Thankfully, the headache went away completely after a dose of 500mg acetaminophen, and after a couple of hours, with the help of kratom and kanna, I managed to feel back to normal emotionally.

I noticed some irritability and mild depressive feelings once the kratom and kanna wore off, but they weren’t anything too bad. Overall, it was a mild, tolerable hangover.

Other Experiences

I want to add in some of my other experiences with this drug, as my experiences have varied a good bit.

For some reason I began experiencing less and less euphoria from the substance the more I took it
For some reason I began experiencing less and less euphoria from the substance the more I took it
(not related to tolerance, I had several 10 day breaks in between doses). I also haven’t been able to get through an experience without the use of benzodiazepines unfortunately, with the exception of lower doses (15-30mg), where I don’t feel too much anxiety.

I never seemed to feel much focus on the drug, although at the same time I never really tried to focus on anything, other than normal mind numbing past times like YouTube. If I tried it while doing something along the lines of schoolwork, I might have a different experience.

This substance definitely gives me some jaw action, I can’t help but gurn, kind of like on MDMA. Occasionally it’ll be bad enough to give me canker sores on my tongue. I make sure I have gum every time I take this substance, as well as nutrition shakes, pedialytes, and various vitamins and supplements in order to ease the comedown (which has definitely worked) and replenish my body.

Eating is difficult, but it is definitely easier than it is on other stims.

The drug definitely helps my social anxiety (I am diagnosed with social anxiety disorder) despite it amplifying general anxiety and paranoia. I feel more confident, and in some cases my social anxiety feels practically non existent. I work a job that requires lots of socializing, and while on 4f-mph I was able to handle social encounters with far more ease than I usually would.

The comedown has been almost non existent after my reported experience. No headaches, irritability, or depressive feelings, other than right after Id wake up. I did make sure to always use kratom and kanna the day after, and I also made sure to get enough electrolytes, eat full meals, and take vitamins while on the substance, so doing all of these things likely helped mitigate hangover symptoms.

I’ve found insufflation to be the most effective ROA. The high is more pronounced and noticeable than it is orally. The only issues with this ROA is that is irritates the nose a good bit and positive effects don’t last quite as long (around 2 hours, compared to 4 when taken orally).

Extremely high dose

I’m finishing up this report on an absolutely MASSIVE dose of 4f-mph, and while I didn’t keep track of my dosage, I’m guessing I took somewhere around 150-200mg (ROA mostly oral) throughout the day (starting at 11:00 AM). Despite my dosage being quite high, I never really felt that “high”, only very mild euphoria and mild stimulation. The only exception was after work, where I felt a bit too stimmed out and anxious. I took a light dose of benzos during this period and those feelings subsided. The positive side to not feeling very “high” was that I remained completely functional. I was able to think clearly, drive, and work without issue.

It’s 2am at the moment, and I took around 80mg an hour ago within the span of 20 minutes. I am weirdly not feeling any different than I was before I dosed. I guess this drug really does have a ceiling, one that is relatively low and obvious.

My jaw currently hurts because I’ve been chewing gum non stop for 15 hours. I’ve also been feeling a very light headache for the past 6 hours. I’m fully expecting a pretty terrible hangover tomorrow. While yes, I didn’t feel any hangovers on the past, those were all with 30-60mg doses. I have taken about triple that dosage today. I will update on how I feel tomorrow.

I woke up a few hours ago and I don’t really feel a hangover, which is very surprising to me. I feel pretty much normal, other than some mild feelings of apathy of fatigue, which could just be because I didn’t get very good sleep last night.

Despite taking somewhere around 200mg, I’m not feeling a hangover, while I’ve heard of people getting nasty hangovers from something as low as 15mg. I also need at-least 30mg to truly feel “high”. I'm starting to suspect my product is poor quality, as most people seem to have different experiences than this. I didn’t test my 4f-mph, but I am still certain it is actually 4f-mph. I believe it is just a weak batch of it.


I would say 4f-mph is a decent chemical. It can be very pleasant at times, but it also easily become very unpleasant. I personally feel like it lacks some of the good qualities of other stimulants, but it is still enjoyable nonetheless.

The positive aspects I experienced where:
- mild to moderate euphoria
- Mild to moderate stimulation
- Social anxiety reduction
- Not much of a hangover
- Eating is relatively easy
- Able to sleep easily with sleep meds
- Very functional
- People can’t tell if you’re on it
- Sometimes cognitive abilities are enhanced

The negative aspects I experienced where:
- anxiety and paranoia
- Gurning
- An uncomfortable, burning sensation when insufflated
- Insufflation can hurt throat too
- Sometimes didn’t even really feel “high”
- Difficult to take without benzodiazepines
- Too long of a duration, with the positive effects only lasting a couple hours
- Moderate compulsive redosing
- Sometimes cognitive abilities are dulled
- Low ceiling
- Experiences aren’t very consistent

Overall, I’d rate this substance a 6.5/10. I’d say it’s a step below regular methylphenidate, and 2 steps below adderall. It is still enjoyable however, and I plan to continue using it.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116445
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 30, 2022Views: 1,812
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4-Fluoromethylphenidate (728) : Combinations (3), General (1), Alone (16)

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