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Brutal Nausea
Harmine & Harmaline
Citation:   Scott. "Brutal Nausea: An Experience with Harmine & Harmaline (exp116542)". Aug 2, 2022.

200 mg oral Harmine (extract)
  100 mg oral Harmaline (extract)
My personal preparations included 49 hours of fasting (water mainly, some coffee that morning with heavy cream, and 2 glasses of milk during that 49 hour fast leading up to dosing).

Dosage: I used my scientific scale to measure out exactly 307mg of a Harmine/Harmaline Syrian Rue extract that is at a 2-1 ratio (200mg and100mg respectively). I put the powder into a 500mg gelatin capsule and swallowed it at 7pm with a glass of water.

Set and setting: at home under normal conditions.

After consuming the dose I sat down to play a computer game, after 45 minutes of this I had to turn the game off due to it causing some slight vertigo and being hard to focus. I sat in my chair for approximately 5 more minutes, starting to sweat and feel "not right" so I decided to go outside and sit on the steps.

While sitting there I noticed my visual perception was changing. Not in the sense of other psychedelics though, it was sharper but harder to focus on any one thing. In the distance I thought I heard someone using a Weed Eater landscaping tool. Well that "buzzing/semi crackling sound" didn't stop. It was off in the distance but then started changing in direction, eventually coming from all around me.
Well that "buzzing/semi crackling sound" didn't stop. It was off in the distance but then started changing in direction, eventually coming from all around me.
It had the hum/crackle of high voltage electricity running through power lines.

My capacity to cope was degrading rapidly. I moved over to one of our trucks and rested my head on the tailgate for a few minutes, then stumbled over to one of our other trucks to lean on that tailgate. Within 5 minutes I had my first puke (a little water due to the fast, so dry heaving mostly). My hands went completely numb and I lost the ability to open and close my fists. I could sense my vision getting darker. I suspected my body was going into shock so I sat down cross legged with my back propped against our shed. My hands remained numb until I pushed the flat of my hands under my legs, palm down so that I had good soil contact (I had the feeling that I needed grounding). This abated the numbness in the hands until I stopped touching the ground. Ultimately I sat there for about 30 minutes like this until was able to get feeling back in them. I'm sweating heavily now. Feeling like I couldn't stay here I had to get up.

Vertigo is becoming extreme, I can barely walk. I head for the front door in a hurry but just make it 75 feet or so before I'm leaning up against one of the trucks violently puking/dry heaving again. I heave so hard I realize I may have diarrhea. I stumbled inside and rush to the bathroom to continue purging. This consists of pretty much water as I haven't had food in a couple of days. It's an act of sheer willpower to clean myself up. As soon as I'm up and washed I'm immediately having to puke again.

My vision is starting to shift when I open my eyes. As I open them I'm getting flashing lights, swirling, lines of light for a split second all mixed together. When I close them I start to drift into waking dreams. I see places, the darkness of my closed eyes starting to coalesce into dreams. I had stumbled out to the kitchen table to sit, head pressed against the wood. Approximately I'm up puking/dry heaving every 10-15 minutes. I'm needing to keep my eyes shut and pressure on my forehead to ease the vertigo. Every time I open or close my eyes it's strongly disjointing and causes further vertigo, moving emphasizes this. I find myself stumbling from a water glass to the back door to puke on the steps, back to the sink for water, puking in the sink, and puking outside more. I finally had to give up trying to stay hydrated as things progressed. I would swallow water and immediately be dry heaving the water back out.

The crackling and buzzing continues. It's loudest near all electronic devices and wall outlets. I suspect I'm hearing the flow of electricity through the wires.

I've had to move around the house a few times, either to puke or use the toilet. My vision is fragmenting, I'm seeing streamers. When I look at something and then shift my eyes I see the former silhouette of what I was looking at outlined in bright lights chasing the direction of my gaze. It's like shattering glass every time I open my eyes and look around. Closing my eyes plunges me into the darkness and vertigo, while opening them bombards my senses with extreme chaotic light and swirling. I've puked around 13 times at this point. My body is exhausted, and the experience is still intensifying. I managed to get a bowl and head for the couch. Laying down was instant relief from the vertigo. The other effects are persisting until I shut my eyes and focused on deep breathing. I say a prayer and repent to the Father, essentially begging for sleep to get passed this ordeal. I immediately fall asleep.

5am: I am still seeing streamers in my vision but the crackling and buzzing has stopped (except when the air conditioner turns on). Looking at my phone and looking away still has the shattering glass effect on my vision.

7am: Vision has returned to normal, the vertigo has ceased and I am able to sit up.

In retrospect: I should have started by laying down. The nausea seems to be related to the substance having some effect on the inner ear, causing vertigo. I suspect ginger may have helped if I had taken it prior to the ordeal. The lights and streamers, and swirling effects are extremely confounding and certainly add to the delirium. I went into the situation extremely empty, something low in tyramine and heavy might have helped prior to ingestion (steak perhaps). I believe that the experience wouldn't have been as brutal if I could find a way to control the nausea. If nausea is better controlled I think it would be possible to explore the waking dreams/visions to a deeper extent. As it happened this experience reminded me a lot of eating Amanita Muscaria in how it made me feel (only not as violently sick as with Amanita, I thought that was going to kill me). All in all I may throw away the remaining harmala alkaloids I received from the lab due to the brutality of this experience.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116542
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Aug 2, 2022Views: 655
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Harmala Alkaloids (76), Harmine (315), Harmaline (314) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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