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The Last LSD Trip Of My Life
LSD, Cannabis, Alprazolam & Quetiapine
Citation:   TheOrigiinalMrT. "The Last LSD Trip Of My Life: An Experience with LSD, Cannabis, Alprazolam & Quetiapine (exp116591)". Sep 28, 2022.

T+ 0:00
2 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00 4 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 300 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:00 4 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:00 600 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine (pill / tablet)
The Last LSD Trip Of My Life

Trip report: 400ug LSD

This report is going to be formulated differently than my other trip reports as I lost complete concept of time not very far into this nightmare. This was not a good experience at all. What you’re about to read is an in-depth explanation of a full blown “unspeakable horrors” bad acid trip. I caution anyone currently tripping on anything at all right now to wait until you’re sober to read this. I wasn’t going to write a report on it at all, but I feel that it’s important for people to understand that when you fool around with LSD, this absolutely has a chance of happening to you.

I dosed 400ug LSD at around 11:00am yesterday morning. I immediately smoked a bowl of cannabis after taking the LSD and about a half hour after dosing my roommate woke up, which was nice because I do very much enjoy her company while tripping.

As I felt the very familiar LSD come up anxiety, I noticed that it was a bit more pronounced than usual, even bordering on fear as opposed to anxiety. Now, I should note that I’ve had spectacular trips before on this exact same acid at this exact same dosage so I didn’t feel any trepidation about the dose I took.

The come up period was progressing but the anxiety/fear associated with it wasn’t going away. At this point, I decided to tell my roommate I’d taken LSD. Sometimes I tend to avoid telling her when I’m tripping if I can help it, but even barely an hour into this trip I knew I had no choice but to tell her. She took it well, and I started pacing around the house checking out my tapestries, and I took my dog outside. I always have an intense desire to be outside when I take LSD, but my roommate wanted to stay in and watch TV. This created a dilemma: I could either take a towel outside by myself and sit under the lemon tree (the anxiety had progressed to almost all fear at this point) and try to calm down alone, or I could stay inside with my roommate and at least have another person with me.

The visuals are majorly picking up at this point, very strong for 400ug. As I said, I lost all conception of time very early on in this trip but if I had to guess I’d say about three hours was when it became downright terrifying. Usually, no matter how fucked up I am on any drug, I’m capable of telling myself “Mr. T, you’ve taken a drug. That’s why you feel like this, and eventually it will wear off.” Yesterday, that part of my brain was broken. I remembered I’d taken LSD, but the idea that I wasn’t going to feel this mix of terror and restlessness and desire to jump out of my own skin forever just didn’t compute. As a result, I started to genuinely believe that the trip was never going to end and that I was going to be stuck feeling this physical restlessness and raw terror for the rest of my life.

I sat down on my roommate’s bed, grabbed her as hard as I could, and just started shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. I remember looking at her and saying “I put two little paper squares under my tongue, how the fuck is this happening?” I also required constant (almost to the minute) reassurance that I was, in fact, going to stop tripping eventually and be fine. I didn’t believe it, though. I remember promising myself that I would commit suicide if I was right and these feelings really were permanent. The visuals were the most intense I’ve ever experienced at 400ug, with twisting tendrils enveloping pretty much everything I looked at. I kept getting up to go outside for like two or three minutes, just in some vein hope that the outdoors would calm the terror I was feeling, but when it proved useless I’d come back inside and just keep holding my roommate and crying.

At this point, there are two possible options in my head. I can call 911 and hopefully be brought down in a hospital setting, or I can take Xanax and Seroquel until this shit fucking stops. The first two Xanax bars did absolutely nothing, and I followed it up with 300mg Seroquel (I’m in the process of getting off Seroquel but I am keeping some extras in case of emergencies like this). I could feel the physical sensation of my body becoming relaxed and tired due to the pill combo, but it did NOTHING for my head, which by this point is operating beyond comprehension. There’s no possible way I can use words to explain the way I thought and felt at this period in time. Terrified, hopeless, overwhelmed, and psychotic don’t even begin to cover it. I gladly would have accepted death to make it stop, though.

I took two more Xanax bars (bringing my total to 8mg Xanax) and 600mg more Seroquel (bringing my total to 900mg Seroquel). Once that second round of pills kicked in, I slowly but surely started to come back to reality. For the first time in hours, I realized that I’d taken a drug and that the effects were not going to be permanent. I was still in a state of terror, but it became less pronounced as the massive cocktail of sedatives I took began to kick in. About an hour and a half after the second dose of tranquilizers, I was able to think somewhat clearly and rationally again. I now knew that I was going to be fine, and that I’d simply taken too much LSD and it threw me for a hell of a loop.

About two to two and a half hours after the second round of tranquilizers, I was tired and calm enough to sleep. I fell asleep at around 9:30-10:00pm and slept for 14 straight hours.

Post trip thoughts: I am NEVER ever taking LSD again, at least not by itself. It can be a fun add-on to combos at very low doses for me (absolute max 200ug) but never again in my life will I take just LSD by itself for a trip. I’ve never had a bad trip on anything other than LSD (with the exception of one shrooms trip where I ate WAY too much by accident and I don’t count that because it was my own fault) and I see no need to continue baiting the beast by taking it again. Phenethylamines and tryptamines only going forward.

Also, thank fucking god for my roommate. We’re very close, to the point of being family, but when it comes down to it she really is just my roommate. She did NOT need to spend her entire day trip sitting someone who was having the bad acid trip to end all bad acid trips. She could’ve just told me it was my issue and to deal with it myself, but she didn’t. She’s the real hero here, as a trip to the hospital would’ve been an absolute guarantee if I hadn’t had her there.

I wrote this for the newcomer. 400ug is a decent sized dose of LSD but not heroic by any means. I’d also taken this dose before with spectacular results. LSD is unpredictable. You should always use the utmost care when taking it, make sure you’re in a safe place with a safe potential trip sitter, and NEVER think you’re above having a really fucking terrifying trip. I’ll also note that I’m 100% sure the LSD I took was real LSD and dosed correctly, and that this wasn’t a case of being laced or taking the wrong thing by mistake.

Overall experience: -10/10, this was quite literally the scariest experience of my entire life and I will never ever put myself in a position to repeat it. The amount of fear and terror present during those 8-12 hours were palpable and overwhelming, and it took a small army of tranquilizers to bring me back. Be safe, people. Don’t overtake LSD and remember that you don’t really take it, it takes you. Thanks for reading.

-Mr. T

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116591
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Sep 28, 2022Views: 1,218
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Cannabis (1), Pharms - Alprazolam (98), Pharms - Quetiapine (273), LSD (2) : Alone (16), Guides / Sitters (39), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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