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Diving Deep Into Terpene Interaction
Citation:   Plopican. "Diving Deep Into Terpene Interaction: An Experience with Cannabis (exp116642)". Sep 26, 2022.

  smoked Cannabis
Consciousness Altering Substances:
A half gram of Cannabis Strain MAC-1
3 dried mango slices (Terpene Myrcene)
¼ fresh mango (Terpene Myrcene)
Diffused, Applied, and Sniffed Essential oils: Ylang Ylang, Mandarin, Bergamot, Rose, Lavender, Cedarwood
Ate 3 pepper corns
Lavender and Chamomile Tea
Wim Hof Breathing Technique


P (narrator), Male, Age 19, 160lbs
Has Experiences with:
Cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBN, CBG, Delta 8, Delta 10, THC-O Acetate, THCV, THCP), LSD, Psilocybin, Phenibut, MDA, Kratom, Kanna, Kava, Nicotine, Caffeine, Gabapentin, Alcohol, Theobromine, and many mildly psychoactive herbs and spices.

Has a one day tolerance to Cannabis, and wants to make the most of it with friends. Moved into a new apartment four days previously. I am not used to the new environment. Uses drugs both for fun and to expand my consciousness. Was in a very good mood, but quite exhausted. Expected to be a 7.5/10 level of intoxication

A, Male, Age 19, 170lbs
Has Experiences with:
Cannabinoids (THC, CBD, Delta 8, Delta 10, THC-O Acetate, HHC), DMT, Psilocybin, Phenibut, Kratom, Kava, Nicotine, Caffeine, Alcohol, and many mildly psychoactive herbs and spices.

Just got off work and called me up to smoke. Is good friends with L and N as well. Just purchased MAC-1 (Both him and my favorite strain of weed) and is eager to get L and N to try it.
Expected to be a 3/10 level of intoxication

L, Female, Age 19, 120lbs
Has Experiences with:
Cannabinoids (THC, CBD Delta 8, Delta 10), Psilocybin, Phenibut, Kratom, Kanna, Kava, Caffeine, and Alcohol.

Has a lower tolerance to THC and is looking to have a psychedelic experience with her close friends. A bit tired as well.
Expected to be a 10/10 Ievel of intoxication

N, Male, Age 17, 150lbs
Has Experiences with:
Cannabinoids (THC, Delta 8, Delta 10, THC-O Acetate, THCV, THCP), LSD, Psilocybin, Phenibut, Kratom, Kanna, Kava, Nicotine, Caffeine, Alcohol, and many mildly psychoactive herbs and spices.

Has a very high tolerance to THC. He was the one who got me into smoking weed, so he is happy to smoke whenever. Was highly anxious to start, as he was having lots of communication issues with his significant other. Planned on spending the night.
Expected to be a 7.5/10 level of intoxication

Setting: Minneapolis, August, 11P.M.

11:00 P.M. The four of us left a grocery store about a block away from my apartment. We ate the dried mangos, and began walking towards my apartment. I didn’t know if the wives tale of eating a mango before smoking would actually enhance my high or not, but I have been researching terpenes a fair bit, and thought I’d give it a try.

11:10 P.M. N and his girlfriend are arguing loudly on the phone, killing our vibe a little bit, but he went out into the hallway. I cut up the fresh mango, and ate the slices with L and A. L and I had never eaten fresh mangos before, so we were quite happy when we finally got to taste them. We decided that we both liked mangos, regardless if they got us higher or not.

11:25 P.M. A began rolling joints. The first one he rolled was half a gram. I had smoked MAC-1 for the first time the day I moved into my apartment, and very quickly grew to love it. We put on King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizards and began dancing.

11:35 P.M. N returns in a dazed state. He told us that he would have to hold out on smoking this joint, as he has to wait for his girlfriend to finish showering so he can call her again. He ate his mango slice, and applied some essential oils with the rest of us. I feel especially buzzy after borderline huffing some ylang ylang. I apply the rest of the mixed oils to my ankles, neck, and wrists. We put Lavender and cedarwood in the diffuser, and the good vibes return to N.

12:00 A.M. It has been over 45 minutes since we ate our mango, so we decided it was time to smoke our appetizer joint. We went out to the parking lot (our last minute smoke spot), and toked it up. It tasted like straight wood. It is a terribly harsh strain of weed, but we felt the effects almost immediately. Warmth poured over our bodies, and our heads from the neck up relaxed. A brief tunnel vision overcame my sight. After smoking it, we sat down on the curb and laughed to ourselves, until we noticed a near naked man staring at us from his 5th story window. We decided that we were far too intoxicated to wander the streets of Minneapolis tonight.

12:30 A.M. A cannot stop raving about how high he is off of a half gram joint split three ways. He is practically stoned every waking moment of his life, so for him to feel this joint this strongly was a marvel. L and I cuddled on the couch, while A danced around cracking jokes and making us laugh. N called his girlfriend once more, and had a loudly obnoxious, far too long, but lighthearted call with his girlfriend. By the time he was off the call, he was in far higher spirits, and was ready to smoke. We lathered ourselves up in essential oils, and I decided to make us all some loose leaf Lavender and Chamomile tea to enhance our high even more. Previously we had all tried mildly psychoactive herbs and spices to get intoxicated, but it had never worked to the level it had tonight. My research into terpenes had paid off, as I now knew the herbs to seek out. All of us except A drank the tea, as he began rolling another joint.

1:00 A.M. It was time. A had rolled a very fat 1 gram joint (closer to 1.5Gs) in a raw hemp wrap. We all felt energized by the knowledge of how hard this was going to hit. I felt like the boy I once was four years previously when I had first begun smoking weed. This is how I liked to smoke. I loved to make a social spectacle of it. I loved to doctor up the perfect mix of people, the perfect strain of weed, and enough other social enhancers to make it a night I’d remember forever. We decided to walk behind my apartment building. We smoked as we walked on an access road. We finally got N laughing and talking with us. We heard 3 gunshots in the distance, which put us all a bit on edge. We weren’t used to city life yet. As we walked, we came across a giant abandoned building that creeped L out even further. We walked past a no trespassing sign, and smoked there for a bit longer until a cop car slowly approached from the distance.

This was the straw that broke the camel's back for L. She sprinted off towards our apartment building. All of the guys began to yell at her to come back, but she was running full speed, so I decided to run after her. I found her hiding behind a bush right in front of our apartment. Her eyes were beet red, and she seemed a bit disillusioned with what was going on. She had forgotten why she had ran, and sat confused with a piece of plastic from the door in her hand. In her nervous frenzy, she had pulled on the door forgetting that it was locked, and yanked on it until a piece of it fell off. I held her hand and told her to breathe as I unlocked the door to the stairwell. We walked up the stairs to our room, and I grabbed her some blankets and a pillow to make a bed on the couch. I gave her some more lavender cedarwood essential oils, and left back outside to smoke the rest of the joint. The boys asked if she was fine, and I explained the situation. All of us have been smoking with one another since we had all begun long ago. A smoked me up for the first time, and N’s older brother C was still my weed plug to this day. We had all had phases of increased anxiety while smoking, so we all understood the set and setting that lead to L’s anxiety. We finished the joint and reflected on the night a bit. It had been a wonderful night. We decided we shouldn’t stay out for too much longer, because we had left L alone for a hot minute, so we went back inside.

1:45 A.M. We all lay down absolutely stoned out of our minds. L had fallen asleep beside me, whilst N, A, and I all laughed our asses off uncontrollably. I carried L off to bed, and sat back down to chill with the boys. A noticed his cold tea, and warmed it back up in the microwave. I remembered another thing I read online about peppercorns also containing beta-caryophyllene (A terpene that independently binds to your CB2 receptor) so I out my pepper shaker, and ate three whole peppercorns with N while A sipped his tea. We all unanimously agree that the terpenes had created a more powerful experience overall, and plan on utilizing them more in the future to get the most out of our experience.

2:00 A.M. I decided it was time to pull out the big guns, and pulled up the Wim Hof breathing technique on youtube. I’ve subjected my friends to all sorts of breathing techniques and guided meditations, but nothing hits consistently as hard as the Wim Hof breathing technique. It is a guided breathing technique that even sober has caused mental breakthroughs for me. A and N agreed that it would be the perfect end to the night, and followed along with the video. By the third round, I felt like I had already had two extreme breakthroughs. After fully exhaling your and holding it for two minutes, I inhaled ylang ylang essential oils sharply through my nose, and it hit me like a freight train. I felt amazing. A decided to continue for 4 more rounds, holding his breath for longer and longer each time. Afterwards, he claimed to have had a very similar experience to his DMT blast off he had experienced a few years previous. He had come to the realization that his reality was only that of reactions to his environment, and that the world is what you make it. It was a nice perspective for all of us to hear, and N was especially provoked by what he had said.

3:30 A.M. A feels sober enough to drive home. N and I hug him goodbye, and he dips out. N and I stay up for a bit longer. It was great to see N in such a great mood after how frantic he had been previously in the day. I bring him my weighted blanket, and hug him goodnight.

4:00 A.M. I still feel the lasting effects of the terpene/meditation enhanced joint we had smoked earlier in the night, and was truly blown away by how long lasting the experience was. I effortlessly drifted off into sleep beside L.

1:30 P.M. I wake up to N fighting on the phone with his girlfriend again. I felt very well rested, but realized my typically very vivid dreams weren’t present in my slumber. Odd. I made N, L, and I a nice cup of coffee, which fended off the lingering after effects of the weed. A called us and asked us how we were, and we talked about how great the night before was. We had all gained a new found respect for terpenes, and promised to have a part 2 to that adventure. We wrote up a “Trip Recipe” and wrote down how high we thought we'd get, and how high we got. L wrote 9, I wrote 8, N wrote 9 and A wrote 7. It had by far exceeded our highest expectations.

Stay Safe Y’all

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116642
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 26, 2022Views: 1,105
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Breathing (470), Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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