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Semi Permanent Side Effects
Citation:   JoeSomebody. "Semi Permanent Side Effects: An Experience with Datura (exp116655)". Sep 23, 2022.

25 seeds oral Brugmansia (daily)
I experimented with Datura Stramonium as an antidote for Mercury poisoning.

I had had 14 silver/mercury amalgam fillings in my teeth for 20 years and they were leaking. I had my fillings removed and replaced with composite, but still had symptoms of mercury poisoning. Mercury is a strong Acetyl Choline Esterase Inhibitor, like Sarin Nerve Gas, and I had been in the military where the antidote for Sarin Nerve Gas is Atropine. So I used Dr Duke's Phytochemical Database to find a plant that has atropine in it, and found Datura. I had a preconceived notion of Datura as Jimsonweed that it was similar to LSD, and that one seed could induce a trip. That notion was wrong, and I looked online for proper dosage.

I found the best way to consume Datura Stramonium seeds is to just chew them and swallow. I was consuming the seeds before bedtime, about 25 seeds at a time.

I may be an exception to the rule of anti cholinergics, because I have a high load of mercury in my system, so I may be somewhat intolerant to anti cholinergics

I had had chronic insomnia from the Mercury poisoning, and was taking alot of sedative type herbs, like Skullcap, Valerian, Passionflower, Melatonin, GABA, and others, but I still couldn't fall asleep, and would lie awake for sometimes 6 hours without falling asleep. (I was once incarcerated, and had no sleep meds or herbs, and actually didn't sleep at all for 2 weeks.) I had also been prescribed Seroquel, and found that it was a very effective sedative.

I used Datura for about 2 months
I used Datura for about 2 months
, and noticed that I had dry mouth or dry sinuses, but overlooked the symptoms. I began to notice trouble swallowing, burping, and general paralysis of the gastroenterologic system. As well as an allergic response of not being able to breathe through my nose at night while sleeping. So I decided to cease using Datura at that time.

I may have had a development of semi-permanent symptoms related to a paralysis of the smooth muscle of the gastroenterologic system, as well as the sinuses and being able to breathe through my nose at night while sleeping. I also developed symptoms of Crohn's disease or bowel issues. The issues with not being able to burp, and acid reflux included burping up stomach acid.

It has been about 2 years since using and ceasing to use Datura Stramonium seeds, and I have gradually regained most of my original functioning of the gastroenterologic system, which includes all functions from the mouth or nose to the lower bowels. Even at 6 months cessation from use, I still had elevated symptomology.

As far as the Mercury poisoning is concerned, I have learned to avoid spices and foods from the Mint family, as well as the Solanacea or Nightshade family, and Aster family due to phytochemicals that are "Acetyl Choline Esterase Inhibitors", to which I am hypersensitive, and contribute to my insomnia.

Datura seeds is an exception to the Acetyl Choline Esterase Inhibitor qualities of the Solanacea family, being a strong anti-cholinergic, with, for me, long term consequences.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 116655
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Sep 23, 2022Views: 606
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Datura (15) : Post Trip Problems (8), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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