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Beautiful Trip Took a Turn for The Worse
Citation:   Anon4054. "Beautiful Trip Took a Turn for The Worse: An Experience with AL-LAD (exp116664)". Sep 29, 2022.

300 ug oral AL-LAD (blotter / tab)
AL-LAD 300ug Beautiful Trip Took a Turn for The Worse

Writing this on the comdown of this trip so it might be kindof messy but here goes.

So this trip starts very mild I was at a skatepark and took 2 tabs (150ug each) of AL-LAD at 14:53. For the first hour I just skated around a bit waiting for it to hit me. After the first hour had passed I was pretty thirsty and hungry and already started to get some visuals so I decided to go to him with a friend of mine. We arrive at my home and started jamming a bit on guitar. I already started to have some synesthesia and beautiful indescribable rainbow visuals everywhere, patterns were complex and constantly changing. I was way more in-tune in the music playing by feel was just amazing although my body became heavier and heavier so playing guitar became much harder as the trip progressed onwards.

After a while my friend had to go away and so I was on my own, I decided to put on The Dark Side Of The Moon. Just vibing constantly until the song Money comes on.

For context lately I have been struggling a bit financially and this has given me a ton of stress, I also have an surgery on my nose scheduled to fix the right side of my nose from a birth defect. So as the song progressed on I started reflecting on my life a bit and spiralled down. All of a sudden I was hallucinating that I was pinned down in a corner and my nose being broken apart by levers. I also hallucinated that my nose was cut and that the bone was being stepped on, constantly felt like the bone from my nose was about to be launched away.

At the peak this developed to actually hallucinating and feeling like my nose was bleeding and there was something really wrong. This put me in a ton of distress and I started freaking out so I started to seek comfort in anything, but everything that gave me comfort at first gave me discomfort now, from the tiny things I do like rubbing my fingers under my nails all gave me discomfort. I tried to meditate for a bit the the meditation only made the feeling worst. Now I was trapped in a constantly growing room which started to grow more rooms with this exact same scenario constantly happening over and over again.

After a while I just gave up and ran downstairs to my mom to seek help and started crying because I just felt in so much despair and had no idea what to do. Then the feelings just grow worst and worst and I felt complete discomfort everywhere, the most intense discomfort I have ever felt in my entire life. After a while I gave up on trying to "realize" something because I hoped the feeling was just a symbol for a deeper issue I didn't wanna confront but I really think it was just my frustrations of my nose manifesting in the trip and I just took 2mg bromazolam to kill the trip.

After about an hour I felt completely back to baseline and decided to become a blood donor and now we are planning on doing more stuff with the family. 10/10 would do again but only after the surgery. It was my most beautiful and most horrifying trip both at the same time.

TLDR: Don't trip when you are on the waiting list for a surgery which hinders your daily life constantly

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116664
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 29, 2022Views: 374
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AL-LAD (603) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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