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Found a New Pre-Workout
Ephedrine & Levmetamfetamine
Citation:   Madha. "Found a New Pre-Workout: An Experience with Ephedrine & Levmetamfetamine (exp116700)". Oct 16, 2022.

50 mg oral Ephedrine
  50 mg oral Levmetamfetamine
I should preface this report by noting that I am not usually a stimulants person, but I was curious about the possibility of incorporating a stimulant into my pre-workout routine in order to get a boost of energy and get longer workouts. I had just gotten out of rehab for abusing drugs and didn't want to mess around with getting anything illegal or gray market, so I decided to see what I could get OTC. While doing my research sure enough during my research I find out about levmetamfetamine, being the left entanteomer of methamphetamine. Now, I have never had any interest in trying meth, but looking online I saw discussion about it being a rather mild to mid stimulant, with little effect on the brain; a functional stimulant, which was just what I was looking for. While researching I also came across reports of using pseudoephedrine as a stimulant, and decided to go buy a pack of Sudafed as well.

I hopped on over to the local Walgreens and picked up a three pack of levmetamfetamine nasal inhalers. While looking for Sudafed I found they were all out, but had something even better in stock.

Ephedrine tablets being sold as Asthma relief medicine

I knew for a fact that ephedrine was a good stimulant, I just wasn't aware it was available. I decided to say fuck it to the Sudafed and opted to buy some generic ephedrine instead. The security on it was super lax too, no registry or anything, let me get multiple boxes and all. In the end, I walked away from the pharmacy with a three pack of levmeth inhalers and two boxes of ephedrine pills.

In my car, I cracked open one of the inhalers with my keys, and tore the cotton wad inside into bits, before swallowing them down with a swig of Gatorade. Same story for the ephedrine; 4 tablets down with some Gatorade. After that it was a short drive over to my local gym. Given it was only about 5 minutes the effects had not yet set in, so I opted to do some light warm ups to give it time.

00:10 - no noticable effects, just doing some stretches and squats

00:20- start to feel a noticable boost in energy; opt to get on the treadmill to go for a walk

00:30 - feel an even stronger boost of energy, and decide to go into a full on run. Whole body feels very light and warm, feeling mild euphoria that distracts from the run

00:35 - I'm shocked at just how much energy I'm having. I am not feeling the usual tightness in my chest I get while running. Even the pain in my legs is barely noticable.

01:00: Run is over, I'm not even tired. Once the physical pain is gone, I don't even notice any fatigue. As I sit and drink my water, the euphoria is still very noticable, and my mood is excellent, I feel wonderful and cheerful. Despite usually being hungry after working out, I feel absolutely no hunger.

02:30 - energy and euphoria is still present with almost no sign of decreasing. I feel the urge to do some cleaning around the house and other chores. Notably, my appetite still has not returned.

03:00 - opt to write this trip report, effects still going strong.

I have found the combination of ephedrine and levmetamfetamine to be a very nice mild stimulant boost, one that I find useful in my workouts. I am curious if ephedrine is acting more than levmetamfetamine, I will have to do trials with only one to see how they differ, but so far I have to say I am definitely putting the combination on the docket for my workouts from this point on.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116700
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Oct 16, 2022Views: 544
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Ephedrine (23), Levmetamfetamine (293) : First Times (2), Performance Enhancement (50), Combinations (3), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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