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Recently Took a Drop in My Dosage
Blue Lotus, Methadone & Caffeine
Citation:   RexLuther. "Recently Took a Drop in My Dosage: An Experience with Blue Lotus, Methadone & Caffeine (exp116714)". Oct 7, 2022.

  oral Methadone (daily)
  3 cups oral Coffee  
  2 flowers smoked Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (dried)
Blue Lotus for Opioid Withdrawal Relief

I've suffered from opioid dependency for about 5 years. For about 4 years I have been taking methadone. About 1 and a half years ago I began reducing my methadone dosage. On my way down I have experienced extremely uncomfortable and painful withdrawal symptoms. One of the more difficult symptoms to manage is restless leg syndrome, which begins as a kind of "growing pain" within the joints and develops into throbbing and aching. The kind of aching that evolves from restless leg syndrome can be accompanied by muscle aching in other parts of my body, like my lower back, abdomen, restless arm syndrome, etc...

Earlier today while I was at work the muscles in my feet, my ankle and my knee all began to ache. This aching continued through the night, increasing in intensity and developing into increasing muscle pain throughout my lower body. I attempted to relax in a hot bath but found no relief, the pain was actually getting unbearable. I couldn't understand why this aching was coming on so strongly. I recently took a drop in my methadone dosage but it wasn't so much that I should feel such a powerful withdrawal. I did some googling and I determined it was the three cups of coffee I had at work
I recently took a drop in my methadone dosage but it wasn't so much that I should feel such a powerful withdrawal. I did some googling and I determined it was the three cups of coffee I had at work
, I never consume so much caffeine and certainly not so quickly.

While investigating the cause for my aching body I discovered that a treatment for Restless leg syndrome is actually increasing the level of dopamine available in the body. I also happened to discover that Apomorphine (the active ingredient in Blue Lotus flowers) is in fact dopaminergic. Since I happened to have some nearby I painfully waddled over to my desk drawer, packed a bowl of dried blue Lotus flowers and began smoking it. All of my suffering began to subside increasingly with each lung full. I couldn't believe it. I've had this dried flower for a while and never put it all together until tonight. Smoking two dried blue Lotus flowers is an effective treatment for the extremely painful joint and muscle aching resulting from opioid withdrawal.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116714
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Oct 7, 2022Views: 335
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Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105), Methadone (166) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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