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Definitely Not ''Indistinguishable From Psilocybin''
Citation:   Fleming. "Definitely Not ''Indistinguishable From Psilocybin'': An Experience with 4-ACO-DMT (exp116717)". Oct 20, 2022.

13 - 30 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT
    oral Kratom
My 2022 Psychedelic Review - Installment #3.

The following is the third installment of my 2022 Psychedelic Review:

2 September, 2022. 4-ACO-DMT (13mg?, oral.) – First trial – Another nighttime experiment. This dose was a sure - + - a good threshold. There were moments of brilliant, firework-like, sparkling colour, but nothing very clear. There was a very short moment or two of nice body-feeling, but mostly nothing. Asleep after 3 or 4 hours, and slept a lot the next day.

4 September, 2022. 4-ACO-DMT (25mg, oral.) – Plunging into the “full dose” (high end of ‘common’ range, or low end of ‘strong’ range – TripSit & Erowid, respectively). Good energy today, with a low dose of Kratom at 2pm, followed by early dinner and rabbit-glue medicine for desert [popular Asian anti-acid medicine for the stomach; The bottle has a picture of a rabbit on it and the contents taste like glue.] – body is primed and ready to go…

The Experience: Very good +2.5, which took a long while to set in – maybe 1.5-2 hours. Really bright CEV [closed eye visual] stuff, but no defined shapes, just sparkling “firework-like” stuff as before, along with geometric things. Colors were generally phosphorescent, purple, orange, and pink. Some smiling faces, both realistic and “inside the CEVs”. There was a light FBO [full-body orgasm]-style physical euphoria, which was very welcome and very pleasant. It lasted more or less the duration of the experience. Will try again, probably at a higher level, 1.5X or so. No real mindbuke [mindfuck], or weird-o stuff, remarkably clear-headed. Got up for a couple N2O balloons, and had a little bit of motor-incoordination, some color enhancement, but overall nothing too distracting. My body was a little hot, but not badly… I fell asleep not long after the gentle comedown [slow-in, slow-out]. Next day rain and lots of sleep.

9 September, 2022, 2022, P.Cube “Magic Mushrooms”, Psilocybin, etc, (3.5g, lemon tek, mostly Pe6 strain.) – This time there was no insight, and no distinct form to the CEV’s (nice colours though: mostly orange, purple, neon stuff). Almost zero body issues aside from hot head and cold feet at a few points. Much less strong (and much less interesting) than last time with the mushroom. However, a good, relaxing, light FBO persisted almost the whole time, without becoming overwhelming. Very little sleep, and tired but somewhat cheerful next day.

*The idea behind this one was to be a control experiment – something to compare the next dose of ACOtoxy to… Lemon Tek definitely does come on faster, but as the notes attest it is not necessarily stronger. Also, ACO is definitely not “indistinguishable from psilocybin”, at least not for me!
ACO is definitely not “indistinguishable from psilocybin”, at least not for me!
It’s clearly different in its own way, which of course is more interesting than it simply being “shrooms without the nausea” as it’s frequently advertised. This might have to do with different individuals’ liver enzymes working differently – perhaps I’m getting a higher relative percentage of the prodrug ACO itself to the receptors, along with the converted psilocin? Questions like this need proper study in the universities of the world…

The next experiment will most probably be a higher dose of ACO, one and a half of the “25mg doses” my little bird sent to me, I don’t think I’ll do two at once, that might be too much… Also, going to give it a longer “tolerance break” this time, maybe more like 10+ days. Patience is a virtue with psychedelics, and they truly do seem to have a built-in-anti-addiction mechanism, via the nearly-full tolerance which builds up right away. I have found a cross-tolerance between psilo, aco, acid, 2C, and so on… However, with psychedelics one ideally wants as close to no tolerance as possible, to feel the full effects every time.

17 September, 2022, 4-ACO-DMT (30mg, oral) – Okay, so this experiment solidified the observation that ACOtoxy is not at all “indistinguishable from psilocybin mushrooms”, as the popular saying goes – at least, not in this individual. This level was a slow-in, and a very-slow-out… I took the dose at 2pm and I was still feeling it at midnight, that’s 10 hours ladies and gentlemen, not the standard 4-6 hours for shrooms, or 3-5 of Lemon Tek, ACO in the literature, etc. There was almost zero mind-effect, aside from easily flowing thoughts and good humor. There was only a mild motor disturbance, and no serious change in physical perception. There was some color enhancement, a bit of shine, but not much else for OEV’s. CEV’s were not of any shapes or forms, only colors – and nice ones at that, I’ll call them “sunset colors”, purples, oranges, and the like. FBO was light and persistent. A slight rise in body temperature, but nothing crazy, generally felt comfortable most of the time, despite the high humidity and thunderstorm in the late evening.

The uniqueness of this material, in my subjective experience, raises some interesting questions. If ACO is a prodrug of Psilocin, as all of the literature states, might it be that my liver is perhaps only processing a relatively small percentage of the ACO into PSI, leaving a sizable portion of the original chemical intact and on its way to the brain? Or possibly, the material actually isn’t ACO at all, mislabeled something else, impure with other tryptamines in it? Unfortunately there is no way to know 100% for sure and no way to ignore this possibility no matter how remote. That’s just the way it is, for now… I am a pretty good metabolizer of Tramadol and Codeine, which are processed by the famous CYP2D6 enzyme, but I don’t know if that has anything to do with ACO –> PSI.

This dose was taken an hour after lunch, which may have influenced the slow-in, slow-out property of the experience, but either way it demonstrated that the materials kick in perfectly fine, no need for lengthy fasting, etc. ACO is popularly insufflated as well, but I highly doubt I would be interested in using it that way, unless I can find a really compelling reason to do so. I have perhaps 30mg remaining, enough for one last assay of this good material.

4-ACO-DMT is really comfortable, colorful, and clear-headed. It’s a lot more simplistic in its effects compared to psilocybin, but very pleasant in its own unique way, and it’s definitely something much more than just “synthetic shrooms”. This compound had me smiling and feeling a nice body high – very reliably, with every experiment. Good stuff! Thank you, Dr. Hoffman!

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116717
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Oct 20, 2022Views: 549
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