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Numbing of the Conscious Mind
Citation:   medwardio. "Numbing of the Conscious Mind: An Experience with Hexahydrocannabinol (exp116784)". Nov 29, 2022.

I genuinely expected any derivative of THC to be incomparable to the real thing in strength.

I frequently vape CBD bud now, giving up on THC 2 years ago thanks to increasingly paranoid thoughts that were just too much to handle. The edge of reality was a theme that would frequently be something that would make me fall asleep hugging the bedsheets. I couldn't walk around the house due to the fear.

Two years later I found this bag of "HHC" gummies, forgetting the problems I'd encountered with weed and wanting to escape for the weekend, I bought some and I took half a gummy at 2pm. For the first 2 hours I thought they were the best thing ever. By hour 3, the high seemingly had no ceiling and I can only describe my self as stunned. I lay on my bed trying to settle in, but passed out and rolled around for 4 hours trying to sleep it off.

When I woke up, I was so gone it took me 30 minutes to force myself out of bed. When I was out, I realised how far distant I was. Almost mushroom high, but nowhere near as manic, visual or cerebral.

I could talk, I was conscious, I was there but my experience of being awake was completely numb.
I could talk, I was conscious, I was there but my experience of being awake was completely numb.
When I spoke, the words came from nowhere and I almost immediately forgot what I was talking about.

The only thing I knew was best to do was walk, so I kept it up for an hour until I returned home to try and come out of the haze. I had a ginger lemon shot, a protein shake and a senokot, so I could try my best to flush it out of my system.

Honestly I'm now 32 hours in and I still feel some kind of numbness and distance.

This is a potent substance, but for me anything over 5 hours is just not worth it. At least with mushrooms I know it's going to dissapear at hour 5 and I get that relief of re-entering reality.

Shitty drug, don't bother.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116784
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Nov 29, 2022Views: 3,401
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