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Woke Up Tripping
H.B. Woodrose Seeds
Citation:   Vespertilia. "Woke Up Tripping: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose Seeds (exp11684)". Jul 27, 2007.

T+ 0:00
10 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (capsule)
  T+ 0:30 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My experience was in the mid-70s. I ordered HB Woodrose seeds from a company advertised in High Times magazine. Being totally uneducated as to preparation, I did not remove the fuzz from the seeds, but crushed them with a hammer into particles about 0.5 mm and put them in gel capsules. I took them with water and waited about 30 minutes--nothing. So, assuming it was worthless, I smoked a nice joint and lay down to sleep. I woke to hallucinations of a wallpaper like pattern of pink birds, a complete visual field of a burr-like pattern and a total unreasoning terror. My pupils were totally dilated, skin and oral mucosa white as death. All of this with vomiting of the most vile substance I have ever tasted. I called my best friend to come over and trip sit with me and was only able to get out one syllable with each breath. She stayed with me until the experience passed, which took about 4 to 5 hours. Seriously, I cannot recommend this to anyone. From that point on I stayed with 'safer' known quantities like LSD or shrooms.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11684
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 27, 2007Views: 8,218
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : Bad Trips (6), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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