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I Felt a Little Weak and Strange: Wood Lovers Paralysis
Mushrooms - P. cyanescens
Citation:   BeanBird. "I Felt a Little Weak and Strange: Wood Lovers Paralysis: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cyanescens (exp116875)". Dec 25, 2022.

20 g oral Mushrooms - P. cyanescens (fresh)
    repeated oral Mushrooms - P. cyanescens (dried)
The Psilocybe cyanescens mushrooms I planted last year fruited for the first time and I got a bit carried away. I'm no stranger to low and medium dose psilocybin, but had never done a high dose trip. I weighed out 20 grams of fresh picked mushrooms and ate them.

Visual effects came on within 30 minutes. An hour and 15 minutes or so after eating the mushrooms, I decided to eat more. I had picked a bunch and put them in the dehydrator, so I went and got some. I was hungry and my judgement was clearly gone -- when I realized that the half-dried shrooms actually tasted pretty good, I walked around the house munching them like potato chips! Not such a good idea.... I spent a couple of hours in bed yelling "I'm tripping my fucking balls off!" and the like. Eventually I came down enough to do some introspection and personal work, which is usually the point of tripping for me.

Seven hours or so after ingestion I was no longer having any visual or mental effects but my emotions and physical sensations were still very intense. I ate a bowl of beans and thought I might pass out from the pleasure! But then my face started to feel strange. I soon realized that my upper lip was partially paralyzed. This symptom came and went for an hour or so, then began to affect other body parts. For awhile I could hardly hold my head up. I stumbled when I walked, my legs almost crossing in front of me. I tried to rub my wife's back but my hands were weak and I could hardly apply any pressure. There was no pain, and as long as I was lying down, I felt totally normal. It seemed that the more I moved around the worse it would get, but if I rested a little, I could do more for awhile after. About 12 hours after eating the first batch of mushrooms I managed to put myself to bed. I almost fell getting up the ladder to my loft, and struggled to even pull the blankets up. But sleep came easily and I woke feeling tired but mostly normal. When I got up, I was able to move normally, but after walking across the yard, I felt a little weak and strange.

It's now about 23 hours since I ate the first batch and I've been able to make breakfast and walk around the house but there's a vague all over sense of weakness. I feel extremely lucky to have known about wood lovers' paralysis before it happened to me -- if I hadn't known, I would probably have gone to the hospital. As it was, I felt safe just resting and letting the effects wear off. I hope it doesn't happen again - maybe I just took too many mushrooms! I definitely feel no need for such a high dose again. But I will plan carefully next time - it would not be good to get stranded somewhere because I suddenly can't walk. The healing qualities of mushrooms are more than worth it but this side effect is something to take seriously and prepare for.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116875
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 44
Published: Dec 25, 2022Views: 299
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Mushrooms - P. cyanescens (67) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Health Problems (27), General (1)

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